16. The photograph

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I stood in front of him, tears running down my cheeks. I grit my teeth and glare at him. "Why?! Why are you doing this?!", I yell. He sighs and gives me a sad smile through his mask of bandages. "Its time for me to leave the Mist, its not for me anymore". I glare at him. "Then take me with you!". "I'm not going to let you come with me, you'll lose everything". I look down at the ground, a gentle breeze pushes my hair back. "You're the only thing I want in my life". His eyes widen and he stares at me. He walks forward, stopping when he is right infront me. His large hand reaches up and caresses my cheek. "You know you can't come with me". "I know I just... I want to be with you". You look up and meet his gaze. He pulls his mask down so I can see the entirety of his face. I was the only one who got to see it, the only one he trusted enough to show. He leans down and connects his lips with mine, kissing me passionately. Minutes later we pull away, gasping for breath. "As much as I would love that I can't, just promise me you will find someone else". Your watery eyes look up at him, a frown on your face. "I don't want anyone else, I only want you". He sighs and lets out a quiet chuckle. "You were always so stubborn, I remember the day I first met you". I couldn't help but smile, remembering that day. "See, I want you to use that beautiful smile of yours everyday". I lean my forehead against his chest and let out a loud sigh. "I'm going to miss you". He wraps his arms around me and presses his lips against my forehead. "I will too, I love you". He lets go and begins walking away. "I-I love you too!", I call out. He smiles back at me. "I know, don't forget about me!". I couldn't help but giggle. "That's gonna be pretty hard". He sent me one last look before he disappeared. I found myself staring into the forest, wishing he would return with the mist.

Dream end

I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Naruto sitting beside me. "(Y/n) are you Ok? You were crying in your sleep". I nod my head and rub my eyes. "Yeah sorry I just had a sad dream". "What was it about?". I get up off my bed and lead Naruto over to the living room. I pull out a photo album and take out a picture of me and Zabuza. He was standing there in his usual attire while I sat on his shoulders, a big smile on my face. Zabuza had an amused look on his face, his eyes looking up at me. "Is that the man you were talking about with the girls?". I nod. I put the picture in his hand. "You can have it if you want, so that I'll always be with you, you know when you go on missions and stuff and I don't want you to forget about me when you become Hokage". "I-I can have it". I nod and give him a gentle smile. He hugs me and I hug back. I was so happy it was like this, that I got the chance to make Naruto feel welcome and loved. I got up and made us both breakfast and then we headed to the academy.

Naruto's POV

I kept the picture of (Y/n) in an inside pocket of my jacket. I sat down in my seat and pulled it out. Looking at it, scanning the image over and over again. Suddenly it was ripped out of my hands. I turned and saw Kiba holding it. "Hey give that back!", I yelled. "Where did you get this? Is that (Y/n)-sensei?". "(Y/n)-sensei gave it to me, now give it back!". Kiba jumped from his seat and began running around the class with it. (Y/n) gave me that photo and I wasn't going to let anyone to take it away from me. I chased Kiba around the class, some kids cheered and others tried to scold us. Suddenly I felt myself stop, I looked up and saw Iruka-sensei holding the back of the jacket. "Naruto why are you running around the class?", he asks, he didn't look very happy. "Kiba took a photo from me". Iruka raised an eyebrow and looked over at the Inuzuka. "Naruto why do you even have a photo?". Kiba jumped up onto a desk. "Its a picture of (Y/n)-sensei and some guy!", he announces. Suddenly the entire class was interested. "I wanna see it!", Sakura yells. "You can't see it, your big forehead will get in the way, billboard brow!". "What did you say Inopig?!". First Iruka-sensei separated the arguing girls and then he took the photograph from Kiba. Iruka looked at it and blushed slightly. "Why did (Y/n) give this to you?", he asked me. "She gave it to me so that she will be with me when I start going on missions and so I won't forget her when I become Hokage". "Sensei can we please see it?", Sakura begs. "Yeah we wanna see what (Y/n)-sensei's love looks like", Ino adds. Iruka sighs and shows the two girls, several of the others came over to see it too. "Wow he's so muscular". "His mask makes him so mysterious". "They are the cutest couple!". 

Suddenly there was a knock on the classroom door and (Y/n) walked in. "Hey Iruka sorry to interrupt your class but do you have any notes on genjutsu?", she asks. I watched as the girls swarmed around her, asking her hundreds of questions. "What are you girls talking about?", she asks. "Naruto had a picture of you and a man", Sakura says. She looked over at me and smiled. "I don't mind if you show people if you're wondering". I sighed in relief, I wasn't getting in trouble. Iruka-sensei gave her some pieces of paper and she waved before disappearing out of the classroom. Iruka-sensei came over and gave my photo back. "Keep it safe", he said, giving me a sweet smile. I gave him a big grin. "I will protect it with my life!".


Your POV

You began walking back to your apartment with Naruto by your side. You were suddenly stopped by Sakura and Ino, Hinata and Tenten tagging behind them. "(Y/n)-sensei can we stay the night at your house tonight?", Sakura asks. I raise an eyebrow at them. "Why would you want to do that?"."Well we wanna have a girls night but we can't have it at any of houses". "A girls night huh? I've never had one of those". "Please can we?",Ino begs. I look over at Hinata and Tenten, they seem to be giving me puppy dog eyes. I sigh and give in. "Sure, come over in about an hour". "Hey what am I supposed to do?", Naruto asks, slightly annoyed. "I'll make you dinner and I'll bring it to your apartment and you can come over for breakfast tomorrow". He nods and the two of us walk back to my apartment. 

"Ugh why do those girls have to come over?". "I thought you liked Sakura?". "I do its just she isn't very nice to me", he sighs. I pat his head and smile down at him. "Why don't you go for a girl like Hinata? She's pretty, strong and smart". "I guess so, but she is pretty weird, always blushing and stuttering". I chuckle and flick his forehead. "See, she's pretty cool". We both sit down on my couch with a bowl of popcorn.There was nothing I could do but wait until the girls arrived.

Next chapter is here. People really enjoy this story and that makes me really happy. Also we just reached 4k reads so that's great, thank you all. Vote and follow me for more. Thank you XD

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