19. Life, death or investigated

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The morning seemed normal. The girls woke up and we had breakfast, then I dropped them all off home. Their parents were grateful, I was too. Them letting me have the opportunity to meet these bright girls, they made my life a little happier, a little more bearable. They were lucky to have each other, having others who care about you will keep you alive. It gives you a reason to live, to survive not only to be there with them but also to protect them. Right now I was sitting on top of the great faces, looking over the village that I now called my home. Where ever I go there is always trouble. People say just be yourself but how can I? How can I be myself if everyone hates me? If I'm known as a murderer? If people don't trust me? The person I am now if different from the person I used to be. As a child I was full of emotion, mainly happiness. I overlooked the bad things and focused on the good things. And eventually everything became a good thing, death and murder, those things made me laugh and smile. The feeling of delivering the final blow was all I cared for, the feeling of their blood on my hands. I was driven by that, I was a malicious sadist, giving pain to anyone I wanted. Then there was another me. The emotionless empty me. The me who cared for nothing besides Zabuza, everything else was either a waste of time or just completely worthless. I take a deep breath and check my wrist, looking at the time on my watch. 1:45 pm. 15 minutes until I have to go to the court. Who will be there? Who will decide my fate? What will my fate be? I didn't want to leave this life I had created for myself, I loved this life and the people in it. Naruto, Sasuke, the girls, my class, the strange other sensei I had met. All of them meant the world to me, they wanted to be friends with me, not the other two imposters. The happy me, the real me.

I walk down the streets of Konaha. People whisper and point at me. "That woman is a disgrace to our village", one woman whispers. "I know, she should just leave us all alone". I felt a pang in my heart, I felt betrayed. I try my best to fit in yet it is not enough, it is never enough. I felt exposed, as if I had been stripped of my clothes and pushed out into a room full of people. Their judging eyes stab into me like kunai, they want me gone, they want me dead. I see the court house before me, it is quite a large building. I walk through the large front door, gathering the attention of everyone inside. A woman points in the direction of the court room. I nod and walk over, taking a deep breath before pushing open the dark brown door.

I push the door open and step into the room. There are two raised seating areas, one is for the citizens who believe the matter concerns them and the other is for the important people like the Hokage and elders. There are three elders, an old woman with a bun, an old man with glasses and another old man with bandages wrapped around half his face. I see others too, Kakashi, A man who looks like Shikamaru and another that looks like Ino. "We are here to discuss (Y/n) (L/n) and her fate, member's of Konaha have complained stating they do not feel comfortable with an outsider such as her being a leaf ninja", the old woman announces. I look at the ground, I don't wan to be here. I feel like a target and everyone is just trying to hit me in the center, they intend on getting rid of me. "Citizens now have the opportunity to express why they think (Y/n) should or should not be aloud to live here". An old man stands up and glares at me. "How do we know she isn't a spy? She could just be trying to get to leaf village secrets!", he exclaims pointing an accusing finger at me. "How do you respond (Y/n)?", Lord third asks. I look up and look straight ahead, I don't intend on making eye contact with anyone. "I don't intend on hurting anyone, I cut all of ties with everyone in my old nation and don't plan on ever returning unless the leaf requests me to".  Next a woman stands up and sends me a glare, looking at me as if I'm a rat, something disgusting. "She should leave and take her cursed ice with her, the leaf village already has powerful ninja we don't need her!". "Your response (Y/n)?". I shrug my shoulders. "You don't have a response?", he asks. I sigh and look up. "I'm the one who came to your village in hope of refuge,if you don't want me to be here I will leave. If you don't trust me then kill me, I don't care". The room falls silent. "You're just trying to steal what's rightfully ours!", a man yells. "And what might that be?", I ask, meeting his gaze. "The fox boy and the Uchiha!". My fist clench and I look down, letting my hair cover my face. "I just gave them something that they wanted, someone they can look to for support, you're telling me that that is a crime?". The man sends me an angry look. "You know what I mean!". "Do I? Do I know what it feels like to be treated as an object? Or a weapon? Not even considered human. I know a lot more then you do old man, you people live your lives cooped up in this village with protection. You never see the hardships and the struggles of others, hiding behind walls makes people selfish". The man goes to yell at me again but the Hokage holds up his hand. "Anyone else?". I see someone stand up, a baby in her arms. "My name is Haruka and the other day when ninja attacked the village (Y/n) saved me and my child, I owe my life to her, she truly is a kind soul". I feel my eyes watering, its been a while since anyone has stood up for me. A few tears drip onto my lap, I wipe my eyes and smile up at Haruka.

"Now we will vote, I vote that we let (Y/n) stay with no complications, anyone else?", he asks. None of the elders raise their hands. "How about you Danzo?". The man looks at me, his hand stroke his chin. "Death". "Burn my body when I'm dead", I say not bothered. I see a small smirk grace his lips, but it only lasts for a brief second. "Koharu", Lord third says to the woman. Our eyes meet and she looks back at the Hokage. "I vote that we go through her memories and see if there is anything we can learn". "And Homura". This man can decide my fate, death, freedom or partial freedom.

He stares at me through the lenses of his glasses. "I can see that this woman could indeed be a threat but she is a fine kunoichi and with her skill we will go far, search her mind if we find any problems we will dispose of her". I nod and stare at the floor, if they aren't satisfied then they will just kill me. The men that look like Ino and Shikamaru tie my hands behind my back and blindfold me.

They lead me out of the building, I can hear people whispering about me again. Then I hear some people yelling. "(Y/n) please don't leave me!". Naruto... that's Naruto's voice. "(Y/n)-sensei!". Sasuke. "(Y/n)! Let her go! Let her go! I need her!". My eyes fill with tears and begin running down my face. "I'm sorry... Sasuke... Naruto...". "Let go of me you jerk! Give her back!". His voice cracks in the last words, he's crying for me. "Why do you people hate me so much! She's the nicest person I have ever met! P-please just give her back... she's all I have". I create something out of ice and drop it onto the ground, it was a heart. Not normal ice though, this ice will only melt when I die. I have words engraved on it. "As long as this heart is frozen I'm fine, but when it melts that will end my time".

Really sad to write but we will be fine... or will we. Idk actually but nah we good. Still got heaps more story to go and more fluffy shit with Iruka. I mean you two need to get together. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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