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(So, I've had this idea for a while now but after starting to watch some K-Dramas for the first time, I thought it would be fun to give this specific version a shot. "Italic speaking is Korean after the first part of the chapter" :3 )

"Hey kid. What exactly are you doing here? You circled none of the options on the sheet that you've been trained on, yet you're at this audition. Why should we even listen to you?" 

He didn't know. He'd seen the sign outside. Seen the posters and ads up on billboards promoting the audition for over a month. Promoting the fame. The Fashion. The money. He needed that money, so his feet took him there the night they were to take place. They took him to the stage he stood upon at that very moment. 

His worn shoes, torn jeans, and unkempt hair made him feel inadequate in the giant auditorium in front of so many handsome, well-dressed people, but he didn't hesitate when he took a deep breath and offered a worried smile. 

"I think I sing along to the radio really well... do you have a song that you'd like to hear me sing?" 

The judges all looked at each other. The six people clearly unimpressed with his response to the question posed to him. "I'll choose one, then." He said with a slight hitch to his words. 

Swallowing down his fears, Teller straightened his shoulders and took one more deep breath before closing his eyes and running the song's lyrics through his head quickly. When he opened them again, he began to sing Taylor Swift's Blank Space. 

It was a very popular song and the lyrics and tune were known by just about everyone. The judges didn't seem impressed, at first. He was just another boy singing a song by an overly-popular artist. 

When one of their hands began to reach for a red button that Teller could only assume was a dismissal, he forced himself to focus harder. As the chorus returned, Teller shifted his voice from that of an eighteen year old boy, to that of Taylor Swift. 

The man's hand settled on top of the button, but as his mind registered the change, it halted from pressing down. The group of people stared at each other for a long minute as Teller continued to sing, then one of them signaled for him to stop. 

"Do you know Prince's Purple Rain?" The man asked. 

Teller nodded, running the song, which he'd only heard a few times, through his head before beginning to sing it. He managed to switch his voice to Prince's completely by the time the first chorus came around. Another hand rose before the second chorus, silencing him. 

"Can you do that with just about any song, kid?" A different judge asked. This one, a woman. 

Nodding slowly, Teller licked his lips and fought to keep his eyes on the group instead of dropping them to the polished floor beneath his feet. 

"I believe, with a lot of hard work and practice, that we might just have a place for you." The man, whom Teller would later learn was to be his guardian in the industry, said with a grin on his pale lips. 

With wide eyes, Teller stuttered a thank you to the judges, then hurriedly ran off stage before his legs stopped supporting him. 

"Wake up, kid. We're going to land soon." Mr. Canzoni said as he shook Teller awake hard enough to jar his head against the window pain. 

The bump brought Teller out of his memory as he pushed himself back upright in his airplane seat. It was coach, even though the rest of the group he'd come with had gotten first class tickets. Thankfully, no one was sitting beside him.

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