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"Go go go!" Sahn-Re yelled as he jumped up and down on the couch, the controller for the racing game in his hand swinging around violently, making his car swerve every which way. 

Teller was grinning as he stood in front of him, swinging his own controller more carefully as he tried not to laugh too hard at Sahn-Re. The guy had made him crack up so hard he was crying the last race, and of course, he lost since he kept having to wipe away tears. 

The blaring of Shinee's Lucifer probably didn't help calm Sahn-Re's energy levels at all as it pumped from the stereo system they had hooked up all around the room. Teller had never played such a hyper version of Mario Kart before. Granted, En-Ti was just steering his kart peacefully where he was perched on the armrest of the couch, since Sahn-Re had already accidentally stepped on him twice. 

Even with Sahn-Re's yelling and theatrics, En-Ti manages to snag first. Sahn-Re skidded into second a hair behind him, making the guy groan and flop over, his arms draping over Teller's shoulders, making him stagger with half his weight, then drop them both to the floor. He didn't see where his own kart went, but he doubted that it crossed the finish line.

"I think it's time for a break before Sahn-Re ends up sending one of us to the hospital." En-Ti noted as he stood up and walked over, switching the game off right as Sahn-Re sat up on Teller's back. 

"Hey! You turned it off right after it saved!" Sahn-Re grumbled, earning a grin from En-Ti. 

"Of course. Now I'm ahead of you in total points." He said before setting his controller down and heading off to his room. 

"Can I get up by chance?" Teller asked as he turned his head to look over his shoulder at Sahn-Re. 

"Oh. Right." Sahn-Re said before getting up, then offering Teller a hand. 

Taking it, Teller gave his thanks. "Your hand's a bit warm." He noted, earning a grin from Sahn-Re. 

"I get a little hyper playing that game." 

A little? 

Shaking his head, Teller walked into the kitchen, hungry for a snack after the craziness they'd just dealt with. "Want to split something?" He asked, not wanting a whole container. 

"Sure!" Sahn-Re answered in English, making Teller chuckle. His accent was adorable. 

They settled on a spicy roll that Sahn-Re had ordered. It had kimchi, spicy beef, egg, and the same spicy paste as the one he'd had earlier. "I should ask Tay-Yun to try this." Teller said with an evil grin that made Sahn-Re chuckle. "He would hate you forever." 

"I'm not sure how much he likes me now, anyways. You know, he tried to blackmail me with a video of me snoring?" Teller said, laughing a little at the insignificant attempt. 

Sahn-Re's eyes widened but he didn't reply until he finished chewing his food, then swallowing. "I wanna see it! I'll ask him for it later." 

That wasn't what I intended to happen. 

"Can you not do that?" Teller mumbled, his face turning slightly red. 

Sahn-Re reached over with his free hand and mussed up Teller's hair before taking another piece of food with his chopsticks. "I will think about it." 

The next few hours passed in near-silence. They'd turned off the stereo after finishing up their meal, then just decided to relax on the couch reading. It had been a while since Teller had been able to use the Kindle device on his phone, so he quite enjoyed the quiet time. 

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