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The muffled sound of the front door closing nudged Sahn-Re out of his sleep. He stretched his one arm that wasn't being restricted by something, and yawned. The blankets kept him perfectly warm, while the fan overhead cooled him just enough. 

Smiling sleepily, Sahn-Re opened his eyes slowly, only to see En-Ti's sleeping face. He nearly jerked himself up, surprised to see him so close, but then he realized that he wasn't even on the bed. En-Ti was kneeling on the floor, and seemed to have fallen asleep without intending to. 

Looking down at his arm in the dim room, Sahn-Re noticed En-Ti's hand gently wrapped around it, near his wrist. His thumb was resting over the pulse point. 

"Were you that worried? I said I would be okay after a little more rest..." He whispered, more to himself then with the intent to wake En-Ti up. "You have circles under your eyes." 

Sitting up, Sahn-Re leaned over and gently brushed his fingers against En-Ti's cheek. "En-Ti?" He asked as he moved to run his hand through the young man's hair. "En-Ti, you can't sleep like that." 

"Why n..." En-Ti mumbled, his mouth barely moving. 

"Because, you'll catch a cold if you aren't in a bed." Sahn-Re pointed out, as if it wasn't common knowledge. 

He knew that En-Ti never slept very well if he wasn't tucked into his bed. Whenever he wound up falling asleep on the sofa, he tended to not feel well the next morning. 

"Go to bed, En-Ti." 

En-Ti chuckled quietly, but didn't move or respond after several moments. 

"En-Ti? Hey, Enteiii." Sahn-Re said, joking about the guy's name sounding like the fire Pokemon because he knew that it tended to bug him. 

That taunt got the guy to open one eye, making Sahn-Re grin. "En. Tee. I am not a dog." He mumbled, earning a pat on the head that made him scowl. 

"Stop petting me." En-Ti grumbled, earning another pat that had him pushing up from the ground and climbing into the bed, only to drop down onto his side, nudging Sahn-Re a bit. 

"Hey, this is my bed. Not yours." Sahn-Re mumbled as he tried to shove En-Ti away halfheartedly. 

His efforts earned him a chuckle, making Sahn-Re give an unintentionally cute grunt. "Gotta push a little harder, kiddo." En-Ti teased right before Sahn-Re flopped down over his chest, making En-Ti grunt. 

"Rude." En-Ti said before blowing a breath of air toward Sahn-Re's face, rustling his hair as he turned his head so that their eyes could meet. 

"You climbed into my bed." Sahn-Re reminded him, earning only an eye roll in response. 

"Um... I, brought food?" Teller said from where he was standing in the doorway, awkwardly holding up two plates of reheated food. 

Sahn-Re immediately moved off of En-Ti, allowing the guy to slip from the bed and retrieve the plates. "Thanks." He said, lifting them with a wink that made Teller's eyebrows lift slightly. 

"No problem." He said before turning around and promptly leaving, unsure what he'd actually walked in on. 

"Everything okay in there, Teller?" Tay-Yun asked as he walked into the kitchen. 

Teller settled on one of the kitchen stools as Tay-Yun heated up some of the leftover rice and vegetables in a frying pan, having not wanted to use the microwave for once. 

"I think there are a lot of sad fangirls out there right now... or maybe, happy ones?" 

Tay-Yun glanced at him over his shoulder, giving Teller a look that was half confused and half shocked. "Did you walk in on them doing... things?" He asked, making Teller's face warm slightly. 

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