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(I have a bad habit of torturing my characters a bit) 

"I swear... will you stop stealing the damn blanket? There are two for a reason! And the reason is not for you to have both!" Wan-Nu hissed as he tugged on his comforter for the tenth time. 

"I'm gonna kick you off the bed if you don't chill out." Ike grumbled, his voice nearly unintelligible with sleep. 

Glaring at the clock, Wan-Nu let out a frustrated sigh and reluctantly pushed himself up. He knew that he wasn't going to be getting anymore sleep besides Ike. He'd taken the guy in as a favor until he was somewhat recovered from his injuries, yet it almost seemed like he'd moved in, claiming Wan-Nu's tiny room, and everything in it, as his own. 

Climbing out of bed, he stalked over to the closet and pulled down his last extra blanket. It wasn't nearly as comfortable or warm as his comforters, but it would do. 

Hugging it to his chest, Wan-Nu slowly made his way out of his room and to the sofa. He didn't hesitate to stretch out on it, rolling up in the thin blanket to keep the chill from the air-conditioner at bay. 

He awoke three hours later, always the first to get up so that he could make sure everyone else was ready for their scheduled days. Well, not recently, but it was one of his main duties. 

Wan-Nu stretched carefully, worried that he might fall off the sofa if he moved too much, but when his chest pressed up against something warm, and definitely not a blanket, his eyes jerked open. 

This darn brat. 

Ike had taken the outer portion of the sofa and brought along one of the large comforters to settle over them, as well as a single pillow they both managed to share, barely. 

His face is way too close. 

"Did I miss something?" Teller asked as he leaned over the sofa suddenly, making Wan-Nu jump and shove Ike right off the sofa. 

The guy landed with a loud thunk, then a grown as he stretched out on the carpet mumbling something that sounded similar to "Asshole." 

"Why were you on the couch with me?"  Wan-Nu grumbled. 

Ike snorted and yawned before replying with a mumbled. "English." 

Rolling his eyes, Wan-Nu leaned over the edge of the sofa, glaring down at Ike. "Why are you out here?" He asked again, this time in the idiot's own language. 

"Ah. I was cold." Ike replied as his eyes finally opened a little, though they seemed unfocused. 

"Cold?" Wan-Nu asked with incredulity. "You took both my good blankets, yet you were cold?" 

It took Ike a moment to process the words before he slowly rolled onto his side and stared up at Wan-Nu, then answered with a quiet, sleepy rasp. "Yeah." 

The smell of food cooking made Wan-Nu glance toward the kitchen, allowing him to break the awkward tension that had built without him even realizing it. He hurried to his feet, careful to not step on Ike as he made his way toward the kitchen. 

He could hear the guy start to get up behind him, but he didn't expect him to follow for a few moments. He was clearly still waking up. 

"Smells good." Wan-Nu said as he walked over to the stove to see what Teller was cooking. 

The smile he got in return was a bit surprising, but it was nice to see him so happy. "I'm making pancakes. Grandma bought some ingredients for them." He said, making Wan-Nu lean against the counter as he watched Teller flip one of the disks. 

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