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From the moment Teller woke up, he was busier than a bee. Tay-Yun was already up and dressed, making himself breakfast in the kitchen, or likely heating something up, when Teller sleepily padded into the room. He hadn't bothered with a shower yet, or really anything besides just tugging on some clothing to appear decent. 

Seeing the guy standing there made something tickle his stomach. "Morning." Teller whispered as he awkwardly walked into the room and got himself a glass of water. 

He nursed it while watching his feet, unsure what he should say. Is there even something to say?  "Wan-Nu went to check on Sahn-Re in the hospital and bring En-Ti home. 

Wait... so we're here alone? 

Pursing his lips, Teller swallowed his small mouthful of water and smiled sheepishly. "Okay. I'm going to go get a shower real quick then." He said, his voice scratching a bit at the end of his sentence.

He was just turning and walking away when Tay-Yun's arms loosely draped over his shoulders. Teller froze until he felt fingers press beneath his chin, slowly tilting it to the side and nudging his head back until he met Tay-Yun's beautiful eyes. 

"You smell like Sahn-Re." 

Yeah, he said that...

"Use the mint soap. Don't mix in any other scents." Tay-Yun said before giving Teller a light push toward the bathroom. 

Fighting himself not to glance back over his shoulder, Teller hurried down the hall after grabbing himself some clothing to change into and a toothbrush. He got the shower going and quickly got in once it had warmed up. 

The water felt amazing. He could have just stayed under the spray all day, but he knew that it would be impossible. He had work to do for Ello, and the hot water heater would force him to get out once all of the water was used up, anyway. 

Staring at all of the different soaps, Teller felt his lips tug up into a grin as he reached for the one he knew was Sahn-Re's. I'll teach him to tell me what to do... and kiss me randomly in the dark. His heart sped up suddenly as the memory flashed in his mind, drawing a blush to his cheeks. 

Not the time to think about that kind of stuff! 

Snapping open the bottle, Teller poured a bit of shampoo into his hand, then set the bottle back down before scrubbing his hair. He didn't mind the scent, but it was a bit strong now that he really thought about it. He probably would prefer the mint if it wasn't as powerful. 

He was just tugging on his shirt, finishing getting dressed, when he heard the door open a few minutes later. Tay-Yun walked in with a toothbrush between his lips, but when he paused and his eyebrows creased, Teller knew that he'd been caught. It was always easy to tell what scent someone used right after showering, especially if you walked into the bathroom. 

Instead of saying anything, Tay-Yun just set his toothbrush down on the counter and walked over. Teller fidgeted, but managed to not retreat. Mainly, because that would mean that he had to step back into the shower, and he knew that Tay-Yun would likely turn on the water again if he did so, ruining his faded blue jeans and red and blue long-sleeved shirt. 

"I think you got the soaps mixed up because they are not written in English." Tay-Yun said, his words not even a question, but sarcasm. 

Teller pursed his lips, looking sideways at the toilet before turning his attention back to Tay-Yun. 

"I liked this smell better." He mumbled, not even sounding honest to himself. 

Reaching over, Tay-Yun grasped a small part of Teller's wet hair and leaned down, sniffing it with a look of distaste on his face. 

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