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Staring down at his phone, Wan-Nu just shook his head. He wasn't surprised to see a text from Tay-Yun about him taking Teller somewhere. "Have your boys abandoned you already?" Don-Wei asked as he leaned back in his chair, nibbling at a piece of beef. 

Wan-Nu nodded, then rubbed at his temples with a sigh. "All of the ones I want to deal with." He said, making Don-Wei lift an eyebrow. "You brought another person with you?" He asked, getting a nod from Wan-Nu in response. 

"An old member of Teller's fake band. The main singer. Though, from what I know, he can't sing at all." 

Don-Wei frowned, fishing out his phone to send a text. "Why did you bring him here, then?" He asked as he finished typing, then sent the message and put his phone on the table. 

"Because, their manager was beating them up. When we took Teller away from him, he turned his attention to Ike. I have the police looking into it right now." 

Don-Wei tilted his head, seemingly in thought since he didn't respond right away. 

"I see." Was all he said until his phone chimed with a message. 

Picking it up, he scanned the screen, then grinned up at Wan-Nu. "Your last boy has found his way onto the roof. Best go fetch him." He said.

Hanging his head, Wan-Nu just couldn't find the words to use. Of course Ike would have gotten himself into an area that was clearly marked off-limits, even in English. "I am just not surprised. I will go get him." 

Wan-Nu made his way out of the room, doing his best to ignore Don-Wei's quiet laughter behind him. As luck would have it, the elevator was out of service being worked on, so Wan-Nu cursed his lack of an exercise routine and made his way slowly up the several flights of stairs until he reached the slightly ajar door to the rooftop. 

It was a bit chilly outside and being up so high had the wind blowing surprisingly hard. "Ike?" Wan-Nu yelled as he stepped out onto the pavement, squinting against the wind to try and find the guy. 

He found him after a moment of looking around on top of one of the large air conditioners at the far side of the roof. The only reason he'd managed to see him was because of his legs hanging over the edge. 

"Ike!" He shouted again over the wind, this time receiving a simple acknowledgement as the guy lifted his hand in the air, then dropped it back down. 

Scowling, Wan-Nu walked right up to his legs and grabbed an ankle, tugging enough to making the guy sit up with his own unhappy glare. "The hell do you want?" Ike growled as he tried to tug his leg away, but Wan-Nu kept his grip firm. 

"Time to go." He said, grabbing Ike's other ankle and pulling them both hard enough to force him forward. 

He didn't pull him all the way off, though, because that would likely get the guy hurt pretty badly. Wan-Nu did, however, not release his right ankle until he was sliding down from the air conditioner himself. 

"There, happy old man?" Ike grumbled after his feet his the rooftop. 

Wan-Nu forced himself to not roll his eyes, and instead, gave a slight nod before gesturing Ike to follow him toward the door. It was a relief when he finally stepped back inside, the walls cutting off the harsh windchill. 

"You really need to put some weight on that thin body of yours if you're that cold from just being outside for a minute." Ike said, poking Wan-Nu's shoulders before his hand was promptly swatted away. 

"I am healthy weight." Wan-Nu returned as he began heading down the steps. 

He could hear Ike's lazy pace behind him, but didn't bother looking back up until he was on the first floor landing. 

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