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The soft pillow beneath his head felt the same, but as he snuggled into it, he felt the crisp, cool sheets of a bed beneath him instead of the fabric of the sofa he'd been lying on. 

Mumbling something he'd intended to sound like a curse, Teller forced his tired eyes open. The sound of the piano comfortably drifting through the air told him that he was definitely in Tay-Yun's room, again. 

Pushing himself up, Teller rubbed at his eyes until he could somewhat see in the large room. He looked down first, noting the familiar bed he was sitting on. He carried me in here... when? Why didn't I wake up? 

Granted, he'd passed out cold the moment his head had hit the pillow on the sofa, likely because of all of the stress of the past few days and a large meal in his stomach, but he didn't think that he was tired enough to sleep through someone carrying him. 

Yawning, he slid from the bed, only to lift his feet back up when they touched the chilly tile floor. Who tiles a bedroom? Oh, wait, this wasn't supposed to be a bedroom. Looking around, he noticed a pair of house slippers and decided to just borrow them. Tay-Yun wasn't in bed, so he clearly didn't need them yet, and he shouldn't cause any damage to them just walking downstairs. 

Slipping them on, he walked awkwardly toward the small staircase behind the minibar at the far end of the room. The shoes were too big, but at least they stayed on well enough to move in. 

Shuffling to the stairs, Teller crouched down and lowered his head to look below. Unsurprisingly, Tay-Yun was sitting at the piano, a pencil between his lips as he played a portion of a song Teller hadn't heard before. When he went through a small part, he reached forward and made a few marks on the paper before him, then tried again. 

Smiling, Teller got himself situated on his belly, his shirt taking away some of the cold bite of the tile, and crossed his arms near the opening so that he could rest his chin on them and still just-barely see Tay-Yun. He started, then stopped playing quicker than before, and made another correction. Teller could hear several notes that weren't quite to his liking, but he decided to just relax and watch for a bit. Besides, it was Tay-Yun's song. The only person who had to like, in all honesty, was him. 

"You're going to get sick if you sleep there." 

Blinking, Teller pushed himself up, confused. "Why didn't you just come down?" Tay-Yun asked from the bottom of the stairs. The words went over his fuzzy mind, making the guy sigh and switch to English. "Why not come down?" 

"Oh." Teller replied, but didn't move as he covered a yawn. 

He heard Tay-Yun moving below and opened his eyes back up to see him return to his seat at the piano. Considering his options, Teller decided to just go down since he had already been discovered. 

The stairs weren't as easy to walk down as before. Each step and turn made the house shoes slip on his feet, making him have to grab the middle support pillar more than a few times. By the time he got about three-fourths of the way down, he was considering just jumping the rest of the way... or taking the shoes off and freezing his feet for a few seconds. 

Neither situation occurred, however, because Tay-Yun was suddenly there, nudging him to sit down before he leaned down and slipped the shoes off his feet. "You are going to give me heart attack." He said in slightly broken English as he tossed the shoes down the rest of the way, then slipped one of his sneakers from his feet. 

He quickly slid it on Teller's foot, then tied it tight enough to keep it secured. While he worked on the second shoe, Teller quietly watched him, noting that he'd definitely had a shower, as his hair was no longer styled but laid a bit messily against his head. He'd also changed into more comfortable clothing. A loose grey T-shirt and a pair of checkered pajama pants.

MiMiC (MxM)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें