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En-Ti walked into the meeting room he'd been called to after Sahn-Re had run off. The rest of the group was there, sitting around a large wooden table with different entrees spread out for dinner. The bag with the bottle of medicine felt much heavier in his left hand as his eyes met Sahn-Re's for the briefest moment before the guy diverted them down to his folded hands in his lap. 

Lifting his gaze to the table, En-Ti frowned when he noticed that there was no food on Sahn-Re's plate. He walked over, intent on taking a seat next to him, only to realize that he already had Teller and Wan-Nu on either side. 

En-Ti tried not to worry about it. They always sat together, but he was the last one there. It was only logical that everyone sit down so that they could eat. "Why don't you have anything on your plate?" He asked. 

"He's not allowed to have anything until he takes his medicine." Wan-Nu said, giving Sahn-Re a pointed stare. "He said he already did, but we know him too well to believe that." 

Pursing his lips, En-Ti scratched at the back of his head for a moment before replying. "He took it. Let him eat." 

Wan-Nu stared at him, then lifted the bottle he'd brought of the medicine. "But I have the bottle right here." 

En-Ti took the one he'd bought himself out of the bag he'd brought and lifted it so that Wan-Nu could see it. "I bought one. He took some from this one." 

Seemingly satisfied with that, Wan-Nu nodded to Sahn-Re. "Sorry for not believing you. Eat up." 

En-Ti found himself a seat next to Tay-Yun on the other side of the table, but even as he put some food on his plate, he couldn't keep his eyes off of Sahn-Re. It felt wrong to be so far away from him. That, and he only put a few pieces of kimbop on his plate, and then just set his chopsticks down. 

Neither of them did more than push their food around over the course of dinner, drawing a few stares, but no comments. The CEO had changed out of his suit and put on a more casual outfit before dinner, likely trying to make Teller feel more comfortable talking to him. It seemed to work to a point. En-Ti noted that he was much less nervous, but still seemed hesitant to talk about his talent in a very positive note. 

The moment Sahn-Re got up from his seat, En-Ti grabbed the armrests on either side of him and narrowed his eyes on the guy. He counted to ten in his mind before jumping up and hurrying after him. He could feel eyes on his back as he moved, but he didn't care. Everyone knew that he worried after him, and there was something clearly wrong when Sahn-Re didn't dig into his food. For once, En-Ti knew that it was probably completely his fault, too.

He followed Sahn-Re at a distance. When he turned into a small bathroom at the far end of the hall, En-Ti sighed and jogged to the door. After a quick scan around, he ducked inside. There were only three stalls, and only one door was shut, so it was pretty obvious where Sahn-Re had gone. 

Before moving any further, he turned around and locked the door. He didn't need someone else coming in and messing things up more. 

Walking over to the closed stall, En-Ti licked his lips once, then lifted a hand to knock on the door. "Sahn-Re, please come out and talk to me." 

When there was no response, En-Ti let out an audible sigh and leaned forward, pressing his forehead against the cold door. "I'm sorry, I did something without thinking. I didn't mean to upset you, I just want to make sure that you get better... even if you get a little mad at me for it." 

Another round of silence answered him, making him straighten back up and run a hand through his hair. "Can you say something? Yell at me? Hit me? Just please don't ignore me, Sahn." 

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