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Ike remained in En-Ti's room until Wan-Nu told everyone they had to get dressed for a trip to the studio. Teller followed Tay-Yun into his room, helping pick out an outfit he liked before heading downstairs to grab a few of the demo CD's Tay-Yun had been working on while he changed. 

When he came back up, Tay-Yun was just tugging his shirt down, giving Teller just enough time to see a well sculpted torso, though not to the point of being a six pack. He fought himself to not avert his eyes as he walked over and handed Tay-Yun the CDs. 

"Are you blushing?" Tay-Yun asked as he tilted his head, tossing the CD cases on the bed. 

Why is he smirking like that? 

Without warning, Tay-Yun reached down and lifted the side of his own shirt with one hand, making Teller's face burn as he hurried to jerk his eyes away. Neither of them moved for a few moments, then Tay-Yun stepped behind him and wrapped his arms loosely around Teller's shoulders. 

"Are you bi, Teller?" He asked, making Teller furrow his brow in confusion as he looked over his shoulder at Tay-Yun. "What?" He asked, having not understood what he'd asked. 

Tay-Yun chuckled, then switched to English. "Do you like men, Teller?" 

I like that accent. He thought absentmindedly, before he realized what he'd just been asked and his mouth dropped open. His grandmother had taunted him about it a few times in the past couple days, but he hadn't actually thought of it in all honesty. 

"I..." He pursed his lips, thinking hard about the question. Did he like men? In general?  No, not really? Though he did like hanging out with guys more than girls? He'd never really bothered trying to date in high school... but he'd never really looked at guys before. He really hadn't paid too much attention to girls, either, though. 

Confused, he frowned, then looked back up at Tay-Yun. "I don't know, but I like you." 

Tay-Yun smiled, his white teeth making Teller's heart stutter in his chest. The guy smirked a lot, but he'd rarely seen him give a full smile. Well, I get one right now. He thought, returning it with one of his own before Tay-Yun leaned down and pressed his lips against Teller's. 

The kiss was gentle and slow, but it still made Teller's heart stumble around in his chest, unsure what it should be doing with its new quick pace. It only sped up when Teller felt Tay-Yun's right hand lower from where it had settled against his chest, sliding down to the hem of his shirt, then under and up. His fingertips brushed against his skin, warming it as they journeyed higher and higher, not stopping until his palm rested over his pounding heart. 

"I think you like me very much." Tay-Yun whispered against his mouth in between more kisses. 

Teller couldn't focus very well. His mind was going a mile a minute trying to process what was going on. Tay-Yun had started rubbing his thumb against the skin above where his heart pumped overtime, sending little shivers down his body. Teller didn't pull away, but instead started to kiss him back. Tay-Yun's hand was just beginning to slide downward when they heard Wan-Nu's voice right outside the bedroom door in time with a knock that had them jerking apart. 

"We're waiting on you guys!" 

Teller stumbled a bit, falling onto the bed, while Tay-Yun closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, clearly trying to calm himself down. 

Grabbing the CDs, Teller hopped up, hurrying to the door. "Coming!" He yelled back, reaching for the handle, only for his wrist to be grabbed. He was just looking up at Tay-Yun, wondering why he'd stopped him, when he felt the man's lips on his again. 

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