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(Now Sahn-Re took a small chapter >.> this song though)

"We're going to be late if you keep coming out in a new outfit, only to go right back into your closet when you realize that you don't like it." En-Ti mumbled as he watched Sahn-Ri disappear back into his closet for what felt like the hundredth time. 

When he walked out about five minutes later, En-Ti tilted his head slightly and licked his lips. Sahn-Re's expression changed instantly as he gave a quiet cheer and literally leaped onto him. Before En-Ti's back even hit the bed, Sahn-Re's mouth was on his. 

The guy got way too excited over things that he rarely even understood. His case and point being their current situation. Sahn-Re finally let him have some air and sat back, his backside firmly planted on En-Ti's chest as he stared down at him, a giant smile on his face. 

"I've been waiting to see you look at me like that. This outfit is perfect!" 

Blushing, and still trying to catch his breath, En-Ti turned his head to the side, not really sure that he agreed with Sahn-Re's way of thinking. 

"Is something wrong?" Sahn-Re asked, easily picking up on his unease. 

En-Ti pursed his lips and nervously looked back up at his boyfriend. 

"I... well." 

Sahn-Re raised an eyebrow and tilted his head curiously. 

"Full sentences, En."  He said, making En-Ti swallow his stuttering and force out what he wanted to say. 

"I don't want you to look like that in front of anyone but me." 

The look in Sahn-Re's eyes made him squirm right before the guy leaned over, pinning him to the bed. "What if I like seeing you get jealous over me?" He asked. 

En-Ti choked on his words, his mouth opening but nothing but quiet panting came out. Sahn-Re's grin narrowed as he leaned down to nuzzle his nose against En-Ti's throat. It was his weak spot, as they'd discovered earlier in the week... and Sahn-Re had been ruthless about using it to get laid. 

He honestly didn't mind, at first. Topping was quite fun and Sahn-Re was more than adorable in bed, but the guy's energy was absolutely insane. 

"We have to get to the studio." En-Ti finally managed to mumble. 

Sahn-Re leaned back and frowned at the information, then glanced over to the alarm clock he had sitting on his messy nightstand. "We should be fine." He said, drawing a frown onto En-Ti's face. 

"Yeah... we should leave now?" He asked, wondering why Sahn-Re wasn't getting off of him. 

When the guy just cocked his head to the side and smirked, En-Ti knew that he had to abandon ship or they would be more than just late. Exhausted, too. Fidgeting a bit, he awkwardly tried to push himself enough to start scooting back, but barely got a foot before Sahn-Re was biting at his neck, making En-Ti's head drop immediately, his hair fanning over the edge of the bed as rough gasps  left his lips. 

He wasn't sure when it had happened, but he was without his shirt a minute later and Sahn-Re absolutely refused to give him a break to even catch his breath. His mouth was persistent as it roamed along his throat, down to his nipples, then right back up again. 

En-Ti shakily lifted his hands to press against the guy's chest, hoping to get through to him that they really did need to leave and not have sex right then, but Sahn-Re completely ignored the futile attempts. Instead, he turned his attention to En-Ti's pants, undoing the button and zipper with a simple flick of his fingers. 

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