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Teller yawned and nuzzled into the soft pillow beneath his head. Wait. I swear I fell asleep in the sound room. His eyes blinked open after a few tries, taking in Tay-Yun's bedroom and the expanse of the empty bed beside him. 

Sitting up, he looked around the dim room and frowned when his eyes came upon the empty barstool where Mi-Yoh had been sitting. It must still hurt too much to see him. He thought as he stiffly got out of bed. The floor had definitely not been his best decision to sleep on, and he made a mental note to take the sofa next time he felt Tay-Yun needed some space. 

Grabbing some clothing, he headed for the bathroom, surprised that he didn't hear the TV on or anyone practicing. In fact, he didn't hear anyone at all. Perhaps they went out? He thought as he got himself situated in the bathroom, relieved himself, and then got busy washing. 

Once he was done, he got himself dressed and brushed his teeth, then put away his dirty clothing from the other day. He'd need to do laundry soon. Hm, I think I actually saw a laundry machine tucked away downstairs somewhere. With that thought, he picked up his bag of dirty clothing and headed down to find the machine. 

He located it tucked into a little nook beside the sound room. Thankfully, the washer was empty and he hurried to load it and get it started. He didn't change any of the settings, not wanting to cause any problems if someone didn't think to look to change them back before doing their own laundry. 

Straightening back up, he pulled out his phone to check if anyone had called when he heard the sound of several sets of footsteps above his head. They're home. He hurried to the spiral staircase and headed up, meeting them near the kitchen as they all came in with bags. 

"Teller!" Sahn-Re yelled as he dropped his bags and ran over, wrapping him in a too-tight hug. 

Thank god he seems like he feels much better. 

The guy released him a moment later, a giant smile on his face. "We got you some stuff!" 


"You are feeling okay now, yes?" He asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet before he turned to the bag he'd set down and quickly pulled out a nice dark red hoodie with blue arms and a white hood. 

He nudged it against Teller's chest, then jumped. "It's going to look so good!" 

Sahn-Re pushed the hoodie into Teller's arms, then turned and grabbed the bag Tay-Yun was carrying. "Tay-Yun said he could guess your size pretty well, so he picked out a few of the other things, but it was a team effort on the wardrobe." 

What? Wardrobe? As in, multiple sets of clothing? 

He had money to technically pay for it, though possibly not, since what Sahn-Re started pulling out looked to be from an expensive brand. 

"Better just let him play dress up with you. We haven't let him do it in forever and he's finally feeling better. He'll get you one way or the other." En-Ti said, clearly holding back a smirk as he turned into the kitchen, leaving the bags he was carrying next to Sahn-Re, who immediately switched to digging in them. 

When he seemed content with what he had managed to pile into his arms, and Teller's, he ran toward Tay-Yun's room. Teller frowned and looked over at Tay-Yun as he came out of the kitchen with a container of food. 

"He always uses my huge room when he's serious. Have fun. We'll watch... and probably laugh a few times." He said, making Teller scowl at him before turning to walk down the hall. 

I'll just lock them out. 

He did just that before carrying all of the new clothes over to set them down on the sofa. He'd never been great at figuring out things to wear together, so he just stood back as Sahn-Re descended on the pile of clothing, pulling this and that out until he set down the first outfit Teller was to try on onto the big coffee table. 

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