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(This songgg)

Stepping out of the hotel, Teller felt a little light-headed. Thankfully, Sahn-Re hadn't let go of his hand the entire walk down, so when he stopped to catch his balance, he had him to lean on for support. 

"Are you alright?" Sahn-Re asked, drawing En-Ti to a stop since he was close enough to hear the question. He turned around, watching them with a questioning stare.

Nodding, Teller straightened back up and grinned. "Yes. I guess I'm just in shock a little bit." He said as he slowly started walking toward the car again. 

Sahn-Re returned his smile as he swung their arms, clearly trying to release a bit of the tension he probably couldn't hide. "Don't worry, things will work out." He said as they slid into the company's van after En-Ti. 

"Hey, kid." 

Looking behind him into the back seat, Teller noticed Tay-Yun holding his phone out to him. Knew he had it. He thought as he took the device and turned it on. Unsurprisingly, there were over twenty calls from Mr. Canzoni and a few from Ike and the other band members. 

Ignoring all of them, Teller scrolled through his call list, relieved that his grandmother's number hadn't come up. He quickly pulled up her number and pressed it, then held the phone up to his ear. 

When his grandmother's nurse picked up the phone instead of her, Teller felt his stomach drop. "Um, hey." He said, his voice barely a whisper. 

"You must be Ms. Zan's grandson?" She asked, earning a nod from Teller. When he realized that she wouldn't see it, he hurried to stutter out a "Yes." 

"Wonderful!" She chimed, making Teller scrunch his eyebrows in confusion. 

"What?" He asked, wondering why the nurse answering his grandmother's phone could be anything but bad news. 

He caught Sahn-Re staring at him with a curious look from where he sat across the tiny isle from him, but he just gave the guy a smile as the woman on the other end began to reply. "She's signing her release paperwork right now and going over things with the doctor. There was some man who was calling her nonstop a few minutes ago but she wanted to get the paperwork done so that she could call you, first."

Wait, she's being released? 

"I'm really glad to get that information, but why do you have her phone?" He asked. 

"Oh, right! There are no phones allowed when patients are doing their final meeting with their doctor and handling the paperwork, but she was so worried she might miss a call from you so I said I would watch her phone since I'm on break at the moment." 

Oh, well, that explains it I suppose. 

"Can I speak with her by chance? Is she almost done?" He asked. 

The woman told him to wait just a moment so that she could check. A minute later his grandmother's ecstatic voice came over the phone. "Oh my little Teller! Let me tell you something!" 

Unable to help himself, Teller let out his first real laugh since landing in Korea. His smile was genuine and made his eyes shine. "Please do, grandma. I was wondering why you had someone else picking up your phone. You nearly gave me a heart attack."  

His grandmother's trademark cackle came through the phone loud and clear, drawing a quiet chuckle from Sahn-Re. "Well, the doctor said that I'd had an infection in my lungs after they finally got the result back on the last test last night, but it's all cleared up and I'm healthier than an ox now so long as I take the last few doses of my medicine." 

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