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(Why is this song so addicting?!)

Teller envied Sahn-Re's energy as the guy sang song after song. He began with En-Ti, but after about ten songs he hopped off stage, joining them to take a break and get a drink. 

Sahn-Re wasn't left alone for more than one song, however, as the place had filled up and there were quite a few fans that were courageous enough to stand on the stage beside him... a few, though, seemed to have some extra liquid courage

All in all, though, Teller was actually having a lot of fun. He didn't have much to say, as the conversations going on around him were in Korean and he wasn't that great at focusing in loud areas, so he couldn't pick up on what was being said nearly well enough to understand more than a few sentences here and there, but the atmosphere alone was just what he'd needed. 

A gentle touch to his shoulder drew his attention away from the stage and up to a face he had hoped not to see for at least a few more hours. 


He looked tired, which was a surprise since he tended to be the last one up every day. Teller slid from his chair, lifting his arms slightly to be ready in case he decided to try something. Tay-Yun was standing beside him a second later, then En-Ti slipped into the space on his other side, closest to the bar they'd all been sitting at. 

"If it isn't fake Mimic." Tay-Yun stated, getting straight to the point. 

Ike flinched, looking around to see if anyone reacted before narrowing his eyes on Tay-Yun. "You're the guy I talked to on the phone... but seriously, keep quiet. I heard you guys go here often and knew you had him, so I figured I'd come here first and bring him back before our manager found him." He hissed, reaching for Teller, only to be blocked as Tay-Yun stepped partially in front of him. 

"You really think that we're going to let you take him back?" He said in Korean, drawing a frustrated glare from Ike. 

"Dude, I don't know a damn word of your stupid language, so-"

"Hey guys, what are you doing?" Sahn-Re asked as he jumped into the spot next to Tay-Yun, only to realize who was standing in front of them. "Hey! You better stay away from him!" He all-but-yelled, putting his fists up. 

"I didn't come here to fight you guys." Ike sighed, stifling a yawn behind his hand. 

"Then leave." En-Ti said, stepping up to stand beside Tay-Yun, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned slightly against the bar. 

"I can't. Guys, if I go back and our manager finds out that I knew where he was..." 

Peaking around Tay-Yun, Teller frowned at the look on Ike's face. He didn't hurt him, did he? Glancing at him from head to toe, he couldn't see any noticeable signs of being injured. Teller didn't like him, at all, but he never wished for other people to be hurt. 

"Come and try to take him, then. You'll learn your lesson fast." Sahn-Re growled, surprising even Tay-Yun, considering the way he looked at him with widened eyes. 

While he wasn't one to start things with other people, at least when they weren't in his favor, Ike seemed about ready to try and fight, if only to save himself from a possible beating from Mr. Canzoni. Not wanting Ello to be caused any trouble for helping him, and because he really did need to go back, Teller stepped around Tay-Yun and put himself between them, turning his back to Ike with his arms hesitantly out to the side. 

"I'm sorry, but I do have to go back." He said, trying to keep his worry from his voice. Thankfully, the music was loud enough to hopefully drown out any that slipped through. 

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