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Forgive me for this. 

Jumping forward, Teller jammed his foot down onto Sahn-Re's shoe, making the young man release him abruptly with a yell. He didn't hesitate before he was off running. The sound of footsteps behind him didn't help him move much faster, though, mainly because he was really feeling the jet lag now and after having stared at the computer screen for hours, his headache was humming back to life. 

Thank god they gave me large bills or money would be falling out of my pocket. Now IJust need to get there. A little further. 

The sound of girly teenage squeals spurred him on until he came to a skidding halt in front of the high school, desperately needing to catch his breath. The sidewalk swayed before his eyes, but he managed to stagger and stay on his feet... right before he felt San-Re hit him from behind. His arms wrapped around his front, forcing Teller back against the man's quickly rising and falling chest. 

"You're a fast kid." Sahn-Re panted beside his ear, making Teller squirm. "Okay. Let us try again." He said in a slightly less accented English than Tay-Yun had used. "Hello, my name is Jun Sahn-Re. What is yours?" 

Teller squeezed his eyes shut and ducked his head, determined not to speak. He'd hoped that the large man from before was still lurking about and could help him, but when he didn't come, Teller's stomach twisted into a worried knot. 

"Guess I'll just-"

"Oh my gosh. Is that...?" Came a whispered voice from Teller's left. 

He felt Sahn-Re's arms loosen slightly and his body turn a little, as if he were looking in the same direction the voice had come from. "Oh no." Before Teller could consider what he meant, they were surrounded by squealing fan girls. At first, he was terrified by the sudden swarm of females, but when he realized that Sahn-Re's grip was loosening even more with each question about who Teller was and what they was doing in front of the school, and why he was embracing her, he knew that it was his chance.  

Stomping on the singer's foot, again, he tried to dart off through the crowd when Sahn-Re's arms dropped from the pain of the hit, but the guy was faster than he'd expected in the claustrophobic space. His hand snagged Teller's left wrist and yanked him right back next to him. 

"We aren't done talking." He said quickly before changing his expression to that of an enthusiastic star being greeted by his fans. Teller tried to hide his face as the crowd grew in size, but each way he turned there were cell phones being shoved in his personal space, trying to get a picture of Sahn-Re's girlfriend. 

His heart thundered painfully in his ears and against his rib cage as time seemed to slow down, making his headache spin the sidewalk once more. Teller honestly thought that he was about to hit the ground when he felt Sahn-Re's grip on his arm disappear, only for two hands to grab him by the shoulders and spin him around. One slid down to his back while the other gently pressed his face into Sahn-Re's chest. 

"Let's not crowd my friend, please. She's not used to so many people." He said with a warm, yet slightly-chiding tone. 

Teller felt the press of bodies retract a bit, but as the shouted questions continued, he could feel the situation returning quickly, and after a few minutes, it was getting worse. He barely felt his phone vibrating in his pocket a moment later, followed by the ring tone that told him that he was likely dead when he got back to the hotel. He couldn't even pick it up and try to lie, either, because there were just too many people around him and the noise alone would make it impossible to converse. 

He felt Sahn-Re's hand press against his hair and his chest shift slightly a few times, likely trying to look over the sea of high schoolers. It didn't occur to Teller that he was actually crying against his shirt until he felt Sahn-Re's hand on his head turn gentle, removing the pressure that came with the tension of the situation. 

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