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(You guys know this is already chapter 13? I swear I just started this story.)

The sound of Tay-Yun talking on the phone slowly brought Teller out of his slumber. He didn't want to interrupt, though, so he let himself doze until the call ended some ten or fifteen minutes later. 

"Good morning, kid." 

Ah, he knew that I wasn't asleep. 

Smiling, Teller opened his eyes and stretched his arms over his head on the pillows. His back arched a bit as the muscles pulled, then he relaxed with a content sigh. 

"Morning." He said, then glanced up at Tay-Yun where he sat against a mound of pillows near the edge of the bed. "Why did you bring me in here again last night?" 

Tay-Yun raised an eyebrow at him. "You walked up the stairs." 

Smart ass. 

Sitting up, Teller matched Tay-Yun's expression. "Before that." 

"You snore loudly on the sofa." 

Teller scowled. "I do not! You said I didn't before." 

The guy looked hesitant, but after a moment he took his phone from the nightstand where he'd set it a few moments ago and pulled up a video. When Teller was offered the phone, he took it. 

It showed him sprawled out over the sofa, mouth open, snoring loud enough to wake the dead. 

Hello embarrassment, my name is Teller. Nice to meet you. 

He handed the phone back, then reached up and scratched the back of his head. "I didn't wake up anyone else, did I?" He asked, worried that the others had all heard him, too. 

Tay-Yun shook his head, making Teller sigh with relief. "But." Looking up, Teller frowned. But what? 

Holding up his phone, Tay-Yun grinned and leaned over, putting them a little too close after what happened the previous night. "I'll keep the video, just in case." 

In case? Is he blackmailing me? 

"In case what? I'm a nobody. Who will care if they see that video?" He said as he climbed out of the large bed. 

The look on Tay-Yun's face started off as something akin to agreement, but then he grinned and tossed his phone back onto the nightstand. "You know. You don't have to be a nobody." 

Of course he didn't have to be one. Anyone could be famous if they did something dumb enough, but he was content just being himself... and finding a job. He didn't have to pay for his grandmother's hospital bills anymore, but he still had to pay for himself. He didn't want to have to rely on her anymore. 

"Hey," he said as he turned to face Tay-Yun, shifting his feet a little because of the chill from the tile floor. "Can you drive me around a bit later so that I can look for a job?" 

It might just be short term, since he was only visiting for a month or so, but maybe he could get lucky and find something that just wanted an extra person to fill in a spot for a short time.

"No. Ask Sahn-Re or En-Ti, I have to go in with Wan-Nu later." Tay-Yun said as he got up, too. "And I'm using the shower first." 


Teller was out the door before Tay-Yun could even blink. He ran to the living room and unzipped his backpack, startling Wan-Nu, who was sitting in the recliner with a cup of coffee, watching the news. 

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