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(This song just reminds me of Sahn-Re for some reason lol and sorry, no R stuff :P)

Stretching on his belly beneath Tay-Yun's blankets, Teller felt his backside throb uncomfortably, reminding him of what they'd done after skipping the party the previous evening. It had been for Ello so they'd been asked to come, of course, but he just hadn't felt up to it right then. Probably because of all the reporters Tay-Yun had warned him would be there, just waiting to ambush him for an interview. 

Coming back home early to have sex probably wasn't the best back up plan, though. 

Granted, that hadn't really been what they'd intended to do, but it just sort of happened. He'd been curious and honestly, quite smitten with Tay-Yun after watching him perform right in front of him for over an hour. Thankfully, he'd been more than gentle and absolutely sweet. The lube helped, too. Quite a bit. 

"Hello, sweetheart." 

Tay-Yun's quiet whisper accompanied the sound of him returning to bed and slipping beneath the blankets. Teller was tugged into his warm arms a moment later, happily nuzzling against his chest as  they got comfortable. 

"Are you feeling alright?" Tay-Yun asked as he raised one arm to run the back of his fingers along Teller's cheek, inciting a blush that was thankfully invisible in the dark room. 

Fighting himself to not tuck and hide his face, Teller nodded, his forehead brushing against Tay-Yun's chest. "I think I really like you." He whispered with a small grin on his lips. 

Tay-Yun chuckled, the deep sound reverberating through where Teller's forehead was still pressed against his chest. "I believe you do." He replied. 

"How did the meeting go?" Teller asked after a few minutes of content silence. 

Once the rest of the band had returned later in the evening they'd all had a meeting about how they'd performed and their upcoming shows. That was the reason Tay-Yun had needed to leave after they'd finished enjoying each others' company. 

I really missed him, even for such a short period of time. 

The thought made him shake his head a little in disbelief. 

He's one of your idols, but that doesn't mean that you were literally supposed to fall in love with him. 

His lips turned down into a frown. Another minute passed before he realized exactly why he was suddenly confused. 

I really like him. He told himself, only to feel like that thought wasn't quite truthful. 

"It was fine, but there seems to be something else on your mind, Tel?" Tay-Yun asked as he pressed a few soft kisses to Teller's hair and allowed his left hand to slowing stroke down along his back, ending its journey gently grasping his clothed backside. They hadn't exactly wanted to put their pajama pants back on, but Sahn-Re had a habit of getting into Tay-Yun's room. He knew how to unlock the main entry door and if he had to, he'd go all the way around and up the stairs if he really wanted to bug him. 

I really... He couldn't bring himself to think of the word again. Even though he'd looked up to the man for a long time, he'd only actually known him for less than a month. Can I really fall in love with someone so quickly? His heart hummed happily at his thoughts as he felt himself pulled tighter against Tay-Yun's chest, the gesture drawing his eyes up at the same time Tay-Yun tilted his head down to steal a kiss. 


"Oh, I think they're doing dirty things in there."  Sahn-Re whispered as he leaned away from pressing his ear against the door. 

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