
13K 971 105

(Had this song on repeat the whole time lol. Opening theme to Goblin, the Lonely and Great God)

Too hot. 

Teller cracked one tired eye open, only be greeted by complete darkness. He let out a quiet groan and tried to get up, but couldn't. Keeping himself calm, he focused on what he could hear and feel, without actually reaching out with his arms, which felt mostly pinned beneath weight. 

He soon figured out that he was still in Tay-Yun's bed, and that Tay-Yun was likely the weight holding him in place. Judging by his calm breathing, he was out cold, leaving him between a bed and a slightly muscular, hard place. 

I could just shove him off, but then he'd likely wake up. If I tried to carefully move him, he also might wake up. 

It didn't help that every few breaths from Tay-Yun tickled his neck, making Teller squirm. That had probably been what woke him in the first place, along with the added body heat beneath the blankets. He was considering his options, pros and cons, when he heard something from the hallway. He couldn't quite figure out what it was, but curiosity had him carefully nudging Tay-Yun until he was free of the guy, then hurried to slip from the bed. 

Once out in the hallway, Teller knew exactly what was going on. He hurried to the kitchen and got a glass of warm water, mixing in some honey before carefully carrying it to the bathroom where Sahn-Re was hunched over the toilet, shivering and coughing in En-Ti's arms. 

Aw, this isn't good at all. Poor Sahn-Re. 

The guy's normally perfectly styled hair was an absolute mess and hung limply, shielding most of his face as he wretched into the toilet. He set the cup down quietly on the edge of the counter, catching En-Ti's eye long enough for the guy to nod before he was silently dismissed as his attention returned to comforting Sahn-Re. 

Not wanting to intrude, Teller hurried from the room and found himself perched on the sofa watching the TV with the volume low. He knew that it was embarrassing to be heard throwing up, so he made sure that it was just loud enough to hopefully make Sahn-Re feel a little less stressed about being sick. 

"Hmm. We've got a show tomorrow night." Wan-Nu said quietly from behind him, nearly making Teller jump as he came around the side of the sofa and sat beside him. Neither him nor En-Ti looked like they had slept much, if at all. 

Sahn-Re definitely won't be okay for tomorrow's concert if he doesn't feel better soon, and that doesn't look like it's about to happen. 

Teller wasn't sure what to say as he focused on the television broadcasting the weather for the next few days. When he felt a nudge to his arm, he looked over at Wan-Nu. Immediately, he was hesitant considering the look on the guy's face. 

"Teller..." Wan-Nu said slowly, making Teller fidget. 

"Yes?" He asked, hesitant. 

"Do you know any of our songs?" Wan-Nu asked, a tiny flicker of hope in his eyes. 

Uneasily, Teller nodded. "About eight?" He said as he leaned back discretely, only for Wan-Nu to lean forward. 

"I know you don't know to play instruments." He said in slightly broken English. "But, you learn very fast and already know them..." 

He's insane. I can't learn eight songs so quickly! 

A gentle hand sifting through his hair for a brief moment brought his attention up to Tay-Yun as he came into view heading toward the kitchen. "That's unfair, Wan-Nu. One day to learn how to play for Sahn-Re?" 

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