1. Betrayal

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I smiled as I sat on the beach with my girlfriend, Annabeth Chase, at my side. There was nothing better I could possibly ask for at the moment. The war was over, Gaea was put to sleep, and most of the demigods had survived. Except.... I felt guilt rise up inside of me when I remembered Leo soaring straight towards the massive Earth Goddess on top of his dragon, Festus. I had watched in complete bewilderment as the mechanical dragon seized the Earth Goddess in his claws and spiralled off into the sky with Leo on top of his back.

That was the last time I saw Leo Valdez ever again. I was broken out of my tangle of thoughts by a soft, warm hand on my face. I looked over and saw Annabeth with one hand on my cheek and her other hand on top of one of mine. She had a concerned expression on her face.

"Are you okay, Percy?" I nodded and forced another smile. "Yep. Perfectly dandy." Annabeth narrowed her grey eyes at me and squeezed my hand. "Don't lie to me. I know you're not okay judging from the expression you had on your face ten seconds ago."

I sighed. I knew there was no fooling Annabeth.

"Okay, fine. I was thinking about Leo." I muttered. Annabeth's expression instantly switched to sympathetic and she caressed my cheek with a finger. "Oh. I actually think he's still alive out there, Percy. There's still hope."

I shook my head, feeling suddenly numb all over. "We all saw that explosion in the sky. There's no way he could've survived that. Sure, he's fireproof, but what about the fall?" Annabeth grimaced but didn't say anything. Instead, she dropped her hand from my cheek and leaned over, resting her head on my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around her waist and we sat silently on the beach for a few moments, watching the sun start to set in the horizon.

Our silence was broken by some distant, terrified screams coming from the edge of the camp. Annabeth and I leapt to our feet and I plunged my hand into my pocket, curling my fingers around Riptide. We ran over to where the screams were coming from and saw several campers trying to fend off a bunch of Hellhounds. A kid I didn't recognize was curled up on a ball on the floor with his hands over his head.

I pulled out Riptide and flicked off the cap, the bronze sword spiralling to life right before my very eyes. Annabeth unsheathed her dagger and we both ran into the fight.

I darted past a camper trying to fend off a Hellhound and I leaped, plunging my sword straight into the monster's skull. The Hellhound whimpered before dissolving into dust that spattered on my clothes.

Annabeth ran past another Hellhound, drawing a deep gash in the monster's flank with her dagger. The monster dissolved into dust just like mine did. Soon enough, all of the Hellhounds were dead.

I put my sword away and approached the new kid, who was still on the floor. I knelt beside him and gently touched his arm. "Hey, are you okay?" The kid stiffened at my touch and slowly lowered his hands from his face. I gasped as I realized the kid has the same green eyes as me.

The kid narrowed his eyes at me. "Who are you?" He asked rudely. I withdrew my hand, knowing that this kid had the same temper as one of the Ares kids. "This is Percy Jackson." Annabeth answered, stepping up beside me. She wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to her.

The kid scrambled to his feet as he heard my name. "The supposed saviour of Olympus, huh? You don't look like much." He sneered, eyeing me. I felt my temper rising. We had just saved this kids life and he was being a stuck-up, arrogant piece of shit. It took almost all of my willpower not to cuss this guy out.

"Yes, I'm the "saviour of Olympus." Now, who are you?" I demanded. The kid didn't respond for a few moments before he said "Adam. Adam Green. And if you didn't know, I didn't need help taking down those monsters, or whatever they were. I could've done it myself."

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