9. Reunited

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I sat at my desk, looking at all the papers scattered across the surface. I rubbed wearily at my eyes and leaned over to pick up a paper when loud knocking rang throughout my house. 

I paused, looking back at my door. It was quite late at night to have a messenger right now. I rose from my seat and walked over to the door, my hand going to a dagger sheathed at my waist. I placed my hand on the doorknob before opening it, and at the same time unsheathing my dagger. 

I came face to face with Jason Grace. 

I stumbled back, raising my dagger at him. He just stood there, his face devoid of any emotion. I lowered my dagger and squinted at him. He looked terrible. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was rumpled and messy. 

"J-Jason?" I asked. "Why are you here?" Jason remained silent for a few moments before he spoke. "Put the knife away, Reyna. I'm not here to hurt you." His voice was soft and raspy. I narrowed my eyes before I relented, putting my dagger back in the sheath. 

"Okay, tell me what's going on. Why do you suddenly appear back here? Aren't you supposed to be spending time with..... her?" I couldn't bare to say Piper's name. I had a huge crush on Jason when we were Praetor's, and then he went and disappeared on me, finally coming back with a new girl at his side. 

Jason stepped in and closed the door behind him. He leaned against the door, his hands shaking. "I come with a message. Percy Jackson is now fighting on the other side, against the Gods. He attacked Camp-Half-Blood and slaughtered Hazel and....and...." His breath hitched and he slumped to the floor, sobs raking his body. 

My hands flew to my mouth and my eyes widened in shock and horror. Now I knew why Jason was acting like this. Percy Jackson had turned evil, and he killed Piper, the love of Jason's life. 

I hurried over and knelt beside him, putting an arm across his shoulders and pulling him close to me. I didn't care about what I was currently doing. The only thought on my mind was to comfort Jason. 

Jason finally stopped crying and he slumped against me, exhausted. I gently helped him to his feet and moved him over so that he could sit on my bed. Jason looked at me, tears staining his cheeks. "I-I'm sorry for breaking down on you l-like that." I exhaled and patted his shoulder awkwardly. "It's fine. I understand you are going through a hard time right now. But please tell me WHY THE FUCK IS PERCY JACKSON FIGHTING AGAINST THE GODS?" 

Jason winced at my tone and he sighed heavily, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "It's actually our fault." I looked at him, confused. "What do you mean? It's your fault Percy is fighting against the Gods?" 

Jason nodded and rubbed at his bloodshot eyes. "Yes. It all started five years ago, when a new kid named Adam Green came to camp. He was then claimed by Poseidon, making him Percy's half brother. Literally a day after Adam came, he came out with "evidence" that Percy was a traitor and that he was spying for the titans. We-We believed Adam and drove Percy out of camp.  We drove him over the edge, and even more so when Annabeth believed Adam instead of her own boyfriend. It's our fault, Reyna. He's been blessed by the Primordial's.... well, half of them, and now he's more powerful than ever. He has a whole army at his command, and we fear he's going to join up with the remaining Titans." 

My mouth dropped open in shock. Perseus Jackson was an excellent fighter five years ago. Now since he's been blessed by the Primordial's, Percy was on a whole other level of badass. 

I stared at Jason for a few more seconds before I rose up and slapped him across the face, snapping his head to the side. "Okay, I deserved that." He said, putting a hand across his bruised cheek. "Oh, of course you do! You were all foolish enough to drive away the greatest demigod to ever live! Now he's fighting against the Gods, and he's been blessed by the Primordial's! Do you know what kind of situation you put us in!?" I yelled angrily. 

Jason nodded, his face turning grim. "Yes. Olympus will most likely fall if Percy does succeed in allying himself with the titans. But we have to find a way to beat him. There has to be a way." 

I crossed my arms. "We'll eventually figure that out. I'm really mad at you, Jason Grace. I thought you would know better than this. Percy trusted you, and you betrayed him and tossed him out of camp like he was nothing. Now we have a powerful demigod who is wanting revenge." 

"Speaking of revenge, I also came here with a warning." Jason said. I gestured for him to continue. "Since he attacked Camp-Half-Blood, we fear he's going to focus his attack on Camp Jupiter next. You Romans are well organized and are ruthless in battle. Percy will most likely want you out of the way before he storms Olympus and takes on the Gods." 

I blinked before his words registered. I growled furiously and lunged at him, pinning Jason against the wall and sliding my dagger out of the sheath, pressing it against his throat. "You do know if Rome falls to Percy and his army, THIS IS GOING TO BE ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT? IF YOU HADN'T BEEN SO STUPID TO BELIEVE THIS KID ADAM, THEN PERCY WILL STILL BE HERE AND WE WOULDN'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT ANOTHER WAR AGAINST ONE OF OUR OWN!" I shouted. 

Jason looked at the floor in shame, his cheeks flushing. "I know this, Reyna, and I'm sorry. I really was stupid. I didn't know what caused me to believe Adam over Percy. I can't believe I thought Percy was actually a traitor to the Gods. I didn't even consider his fatal flaw at all, which is personal loyalty. I'm sorry. I'll do anything to make this up to you." 

"I don't think there is anything you can do to make this up to me and Rome." I said, pushing against his chest and taking a step back, sliding my dagger back into the sheath. "But you can start with staying here at Camp Jupiter to help me strengthen our defences." 

Jason nodded dejectedly, knowing that it was his fault that Rome might get attacked. "Good. Now get out and go tell your Greek friends that you will staying here at Camp Jupiter from now on until the supposed attack." I pointed towards the door. 

As Jason moved towards the door, I grabbed his arm and whispered "I'm also sorry for your loss. I'll make sure Percy will pay for killing innocent people." Jason looked shocked but I quickly pushed him out of the house and slammed the door behind him. I heard his footsteps retreat before I walked over to my desk and sat down, my eyes narrowed in thought. 

How did Jason manage to get into Camp Jupiter so late? The guards positioned at the entrance to the camp would've surely pushed Jason away since everyone in New Rome knew that their former praetor was staying with the Greeks. I shook my head and sighed, tugging at a strand of my dark hair. 

The only thing that was really concerning me was the news Jason had brought about Percy Jackson fighting against the Gods. Percy was extremely powerful, I had witnessed his skills myself when Polybotes attacked Camp Jupiter. And now that demigod, blessed by the Primordial's themselves, is wanting revenge on the Gods and demigods. 

I cursed Jason and the infernal Greeks for being so stupid. This war against Percy would've never happened if the Greeks weren't so dam dumb! I growled to myself before rising from my seat and going over to my bed. 

I had to warn the senate tomorrow about the news we had just received. And I'm sure they wouldn't be happy. 

Word count: 1376

wow i delayed posting this chapter for so long. i had everything typed out and looked over and i completely forgot to publish this chapter until now. 

anyways, have a great day everyone :)

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