6. Shock

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I stood in front of the Olympian council with Nico at my side. I honestly had no idea why the Olympians would call us. My eyes scanned the grim faces of the Gods and Goddess's until my gaze rested on Artemis's empty throne, and then switched to Apollo's empty throne. 

"Lord Zeus, where are Apollo and Artemis?" I asked. 

Zeus scowled angrily. "About half an hour ago, the hunters were attacked by Percy Jackson and four of his soldiers. One of the soldiers was none other than my daughter's oldest huntress, Zoe Nightshade." My eyes widened in shock. My mind flashed back to the memories when I was thirteen. Zoe, lying on the ground, dying of poison, Percy kneeling beside her, Artemis casting Zoe's soul to the sky. 

"How is she alive?" I questioned. "Percy must've went up to the sky and recruited her. Fed her lies about us so that she would join him." Hera grumbled. "I knew the boy should've been killed." 

Poseidon gripped his trident angrily. 'We will not be killing him! He is my son!" "Barnacle beard, he's murdered the hunters and he will most likely be targeting Camp-Half-Blood next!" Athena spat. "Your son is the greatest demigod out there. He was already powerful enough until the Primordial's blessed him. He needs to be stopped." 

"Is there any other way we could stop him instead of killing him?" Poseidon pleaded. 

"Well, we could hold him captive but what's that going to do? He's going to find a way to escape." Demeter argued. 

Nico shifted uneasily beside me. I had nearly forgotten he was there the entire time. "Excuse me, but why are we here? Why am I here?" All talking ceased abruptly and the Gods and Goddess's looked at Nico with pity. "Nico Di Angelo, we're sorry to tell you this but...... Thalia was killed." Athena said. 

Nico's mouth dropped open. "No..... no. Percy would never-he would never kill his own cousin. He's not that cruel....." "Percy murdered her personally. He knocked out Artemis, and she is currently resting with Apollo tending to her. All the hunters are dead, and Thalia as well." Zeus spat. "Perseus needs to be killed. There is no other way to stop him from hurting anyone else." 

Nico's expression changed to hatred. "Lord Zeus, can I request that I be searching for Percy myself? He needs to be brought before you. I need to have revenge for Thalia." 

Zeus looked down at the son of Hades. I knew that he must be secretly mourning. His daughter was killed, while the other one was injured. "Yes, I'll allow that. Bring Perseus to us, and you will be rewarded." Nico bowed stiffly before he turned to me. "You do know that the reason Percy turned dark is because of you, right?" I opened my mouth to say something but Nico shadow-travelled away. 

"The son of Hades is correct in a way." Hera said, narrowing her eyes at me. "Perseus wouldn't have been like this if you hadn't betrayed him. I thought Athena's kids were smarter than this to recognize a plain, weak lie being told right in front of them." I stiffened, glaring right back at the Queen of the Gods. "How dare you talk to my daughter like that?" Athena hissed. 

Hera rolled her eyes. "You know it's true. If Annabeth only knew that Adam was lying, then this wouldn't be happening right now. And you!" Hera turned her gaze on Poseidon. "That stupid brat, Adam, is your son! It's also your fault Percy was driven out of camp! Because your son hated him!" 

Athena and Poseidon both stood up from their thrones, gripping their weapons and glaring murderously at Hera. "ENOUGH!" Zeus bellowed. "We have a more urgent matter to discuss. Annabeth, you must return to Camp-Half-Blood and tell the demigods what had happened to Thalia and the hunters. We fear Perseus would attack Camp-Half-Blood next. Hermes, go down to the Underworld and ask Hades if he could assist us in any way to capture Perseus." 

(No, the Gods do not know what has happened to Hades yet.)

Hermes vanished from his throne and I nodded to Zeus. "Yes, Lord Zeus." I turned and walked away. I walked down the streets of Olympus, thinking about what Hera had said. "It is my fault. If only I hadn't believed Adam. It's my fault Percy is a monster." I sighed as I reached the elevator, and I stepped inside, the doors closing behind me. "It's my fault everyone is going to die." 

The elevator doors opened once again and I hurried out, running over to the street to try to call a taxi to take me to camp. But just as I raised my arm to call a taxi over, I was suddenly deposited in the middle of Camp-Half-Blood. "Okay...." I muttered, running over to the big house. I burst inside and saw Chiron standing in horse form in the middle of the room. He looked up when he heard me approach. 

"Annabeth, how was the meeting?" 

I grimaced and sat down on a couch. "The Gods told me some very bad news. Percy has attacked the hunters. All of them are dead, including Thalia. Artemis was injured, and Percy has recruited Zoe Nightshade to join him. Zeus told me that Percy may attack Camp next." 

Chiron tugged at his beard. "Then what do we do?" "I think what Zeus was trying to say is that we should prepare the demigods for war." I answered. "But this time, this war is against one of us." 


I entered Percy's tent and saw him standing at his bed with his back to me. He had his shirt off so I could see the muscles lining his back and some old scars for when he was fighting in wars for the Gods. His black wings were neatly folded against his back. 

I smirked as Percy said "Okay, you can stop staring at me. What are you here for?" He turned, raising his eyebrows as his lips curved upwards in a smile. I stepped forwards and touched his arm gently. "Killing my old sisters felt....... amazing. I don't know why I feel like this, I just feel like I'm doing.... doing the right thing." 

Percy placed both of his hands on my shoulders, making me blush. "You are doing the right thing, Zoe. The hunters were a key part in the God's reinforcements. They've all been trained by the Goddess Artemis herself. If we didn't kill them, Zeus would've probably sent them after me and have me brought before the Gods. That is one more obstacle out of our way." 

He lowered his hands and tilted his head, his green eyes glittering. "So what are we going to do next?" I asked. 

Percy turned and picked up a black shirt from his bed. He pulled it on and mused "I was thinking of attacking Camp-Half-Blood next, but then I want the demigods alive for the final battle against the Gods." 

"How about you just kill some of them?" I asked. "You don't have to kill all. That would take the fun out of things." Percy didn't say anything for a moment before he nodded and pulled on his bracelet that transformed into his scythe. "Yes, that's an acceptable idea. But I have a good target in my mind. Well, several." 

"Who is it?" I questioned as I followed Percy out of his tent and to the dining hall where the soldiers were waiting for their next orders. 

"Piper Mclean and....... hm, Hazel Levesque. I know for a fact that her and Frank are visiting Camp-Half-Blood for the time being." Percy muttered as he stood in front of the soldiers who had all snapped to attention. "The attack on the hunters of Artemis was a success. Now, we'll be focusing our attack on Camp-Half-Blood, but for this mission, we'll only be killing two campers: Hazel Levesque and Piper Mclean. I'll only need to go alone. Go and train until I get back." 

"YES SIR!" The soldiers chorused. I noticed Marissa glaring at me, and I narrowed my eyes back at her. Why was she looking at me like that?

Percy turned to me and smiled a crooked smile. "Zoe, make sure they're doing as I said. I'll be back soon." "Yes Commander." I said, and watched as Percy's body dissolved into mist before my very eyes. 

Word count: 1411

Well, two more are going to die. Yay, I got 300 reads :) 

UGHHHHH i return to school tomorrow after a week of spring break 

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