14. Memories

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"Zeus can stick his master bolt up his royal ass, that son of a bitch!" I growled as I pressed my palm against a bruise on my back from when that lightning strike blasted me into a tree. I channelled the powers of Nyx to my hand and I felt the bruise disappear. 

Zoe was leaning against the side of my desk with her arms crossed against her chest and a smirk on her face. "Zeus can't stick his master bolt up his ass because you destroyed it, remember?" 

I rolled my eyes and I took my hand off of my back and pulled my shirt back down. "Well then, he can shove something else up his ass." I rose from where I was sitting on my bed to face Zoe. "I must say though, attacking Camp Jupiter was a success. Jason and Reyna got away, but that doesn't matter."

Zoe's eyes gleamed wickedly as she uncrossed her arms and straightened up. "The best thing about the attack is that Marissa is dead." "Why did you guys hate each other anyways?" I muttered. "It would've been better if my second and third in command got along nicely."

Zoe stiffened, and I felt a smirk tug at my lips. She narrowed her eyes at me and said quickly "I don't know why she hates me." "You literally just avoided my question." I pointed out. To be honest, I already knew why the two girls loathed each other. They both had a crush on me. 

Zoë stepped towards me and kicked me in the leg. I kept my ground but I winced. "What the fuck? What was that for?" "For forcing me to tell you something I really don't want to tell you." She growled. If Zoe was anyone else besides my best friend and my second in command, I would've blasted them out of oblivion and sent them to Tartarus for speaking to me like that. 

I rolled my eyes. "I already know why you two hated each other. So don't go all feisty on me." Zoë's eyes widened in shock but I turned away from her and walked out of my tent. I ventured over to the archery range and held out my hand. My bow shimmered into existence and I pulled back on the string. An arrow immediately was set on the string and I pulled back. The arrow soared through the air and hit the bullseye. 

I pulled back on the string once more before a hand suddenly placed itself on my wrist. I glanced beside me to see Zoe standing there, her expression unreadable. 

"Yes?" I asked, trying not to sound irritated. Zoe lowered her hand, her dark eyes raking my face before speaking. "Percy, I-I'm sorry. I just.... I've spent thousands of years hating men by Artemis's side. Suddenly having a crush on a man isn't something I would easily admit." 

I stayed silent, leaving Zoe to stare at me with worry. Finally, I smiled, which caused her to breathe a sigh of relief. "It's okay. I don't blame you. Just don't speak to me like that again, or kick me. Got it?" Zoe grinned and nodded, before she glanced at my arrow that was embedded in the bullseye. 

"I remember when I first met you. I hated you back then, but then my respect grew for you when you held the sky for Artemis as she went to fight Atlas. I died knowing that my sword Anaklusmos, was in the hands of someone worthy enough to wield it. When you came to me and  told me what had happened to you, I was honestly surprised. Number one, I was shocked that Annabeth would do that to you. Number two, I was shocked that you had offered me to join you. I thought, why me of all people?" 

I clenched my fist against my bow and it disappeared. "I chose you because you were a true hero, Zoe Nightshade. You died protecting everyone, including me. I had this chance to repay you, so I took it. You went against your father even though you were already dying." 

Zoe stared at me, her eyes wide. I thought she was going to say something, but then she suddenly ran at me and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me against her chest. I flinched, surprised at Zoe's boldness to hug a male, even though I was her first male friend in probably centuries. "I see that your loyalty hasn't wavered." She whispered as she hugged me tighter. 

"My loyalty now only belongs to you, Zoe, and the people I care about. Not any of those traitorous demigods or those lazy ass Olympians." I breathed in her ear. "They betrayed me and threw me out like a worthless piece of trash after I saved their asses more times than they could count." 

Zoe laughed quietly before we broke apart. I ruffled her hair and turned to see my whole army grinning at each us with Ethan and the twin sons of Hyperion, Eric and Jones. "Finally! Are you two going to admit you like each other?" Ethan asked, raising an eyebrow in a mocking manner. Zoe's eyes flashed angrily and she stepped forwards but I raised my hand. She stopped, giving me an offended look. 

"Ha! He obviously likes me better!" Ethan snickered. I rolled my eyes before thrusting my hand out at him. The ground shook underneath him and he staggered back in surprise just as two earthen hands erupted from the dirt and seized him. Zoe burst out laughing while my army chuckled at Ethan's misfortune. "Hey, hey, alright, I'm sorry! It was a joke!" Ethan shouted, struggling against the hands. 

"For your information, Ethan, learn to keep your mouth shut. We'll stay as friends but I guess we'll slowly progress to being in a..... a....." My mind suddenly flashed back to the memories I had of Annabeth and I. 

We were sitting on a beach, holding hands, watching the stars twinkle overhead. We were standing in the throne room of Olympus, where Annabeth was telling me to give Luke the knife that would end his life. We were kissing underwater, my hands tangled in her blonde hair....... 

But I also remembered her betrayal. I remembered her grey eyes slicing into my soul as she claimed that Adam's evidence against me was correct. I remembered her talking to Adam as she led him up to the infirmary after I socked him in the face. 

I vaguely felt someone shaking me until a slap to the face brought me out of my thoughts. "Percy!" Zoe shouted as I raised my hand to my stinging cheek. I blinked and realized that my whole army was staring at me with concern, and Ethan was still suspended in the air. I snapped my fingers and the earth hands disappeared, making Ethan crash hard onto the ground. 

I turned to Zoe and saw that her eyes were full of worry. "Percy, what happened?" "Memories." I managed, trying to pry all thoughts of a certain grey-eyed daughter of Athena out of my head. I was over her. She broke my heart, and she will pay, along with everyone else. 

Zoe instantly knew what I was thinking about and she grabbed me by the shoulders, her dark eyes glaring harshly at me. "Let go of the past, Perseus Jackson. She broke your heart, she has no right to be begging for forgiveness. This is her fault, along with everyone else you once called your friend." 

I glanced at my army and I saw them all nodding. Apparently they understood who Zoe was talking about. "I know. It's hard, though. We liked each other back when we were twelve." I muttered. "Heck, I even fell into Tartarus for her." 

"This isn't good, Percy. The more you think about her, the more you'll hesitate to kill her." Zoe said. She looked at my army of demigods and questioned "Could you all do us a favour and try and separate Perseus from Annabeth as much as possible?" Ethan opened his mouth to speak but I shook my head. "No. I'll kill her myself."

Zoe's eyes widened in surprise as I continued to speak. "I trusted her. I-I loved her more than you could possibly imagine. I would sacrifice my own life for her. In the end, though, she acted like she never knew me. Never even loved me. She deserves to die, and I will be the one to kill her." 

My eyes flickered across the stunned faces of my demigod army, before they all raised their fists and cheered. Zoe smiled at me, reaching over and grabbing my hand in hers. "Good. Kill that traitorous bitch."

Kill that traitorous bitch I shall. 

Word count: 1467

Sorry, this chapter was so boring. i guess it's what you could consider a filler chapter. 

anyways guess who's finally 14? meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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