17. Unexpected

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I stared blankly at the spot where the Iris-message had been seconds ago, a tear rolling down my cheek. I thought about what Percy had said me, and I realized that my efforts to bring Percy back was pointless. 

He's never going to be the same person as before. Not after what I'd done to him. 

I betrayed him. My betrayal nearly killed him. 

My shoulders shook and I slumped to the floor, sobs raking my body. I buried my face into my hands and cried. I cried about losing the only man I had ever loved. 

Dimly, I heard footsteps approach and someone wrapped their arm around me, pulling me closer to them so that my head was resting on their shoulder. I lowered my hands and saw that they were slicked with tears. I glanced beside me and saw Jason staring at me with concern. 

"Annabeth, get a grip. What happened?" I bit my lip in an effort not to cry again as I spoke. "I-I Iris-messaged P-Percy. I-I tried to convince him o-one last t-time to not attack O-Olympus. H-He told me what he had f-felt when I betrayed h-him. I-I'm an idiot, J-Jason! I-I lost my b-boyfriend because of m-my stupid actions!" 

Jason pursed his lips and pulled me closer until I was leaning against him. I could feel the heat of his body. 

"Don't you think he's already far too gone? I mean, he attacked Artemis and killed her hunters, even his own cousin, Thalia. My sister is dead because of him. Then he attacked Camp-Jupiter and murdered all the Romans except for Reyna. Lastly, he came back and attacked us, almost killing Chiron. Well, we had it coming that Adam was going to die, but still!" 

I wiped my eyes and clenched my fists, gritting my teeth. I knew Jason was right, but I had to at least try one more time. Now we had no choice but to go and defend Olympus from Percy's upcoming attack. And I might probably have to kill my ex-boyfriend.

I lifted my head off of Jason's shoulder and gave him an appreciative nod. "Thank you, I really needed that. I guess we'll all have to move to Olympus and see what we have to do next." 

Jason stood and held out his hand. I took it and he helped me to my feet. We walked towards the Big House as the sun set behind the horizon, casting rays of pink and orange across the sky. Jason opened the door and we stepped in to see the remaining demigods seated around a large table in the middle of the room. Reyna was standing off to the side, looking awkward and uncomfortable. But her gaze landed on Jason and her expression brightened considerably. 

Chiron looked up when Jason and I entered, and he frowned when he noticed my tear-streaked face. "Annabeth, Jason. Care to explain what happened?" Jason closed the door as I swallowed before speaking. 

"I Iris-messaged Percy and tried to get him to come back to us one last time. He told me what he had felt after I betrayed him. It-It nearly killed him when I turned my back on him. He trusted me, and I-I let him down." 

The remaining demigods looked at me with pity and sympathy on their faces. Reyna moved around the table and pulled me into a hug. "You have to move on, Annabeth. Sure, you made a mistake, but now we need your help in protecting Olympus from your ex-boyfriend. He's turned into a murderer, and we need to stop him." 

I paused before sighing and gently pulling away from Reyna. "Yeah, I know. It's not that easy." 

"What do we do now? Half of the demigods are dead. We're the only ones left." Clarisse asked, glancing at Chiron who had a grim expression on his normally lively face. 

"We have no choice but to go to Olympus. The Gods will know what to do." Chiron looked up at the ceiling of the Big House and muttered "Hopefully, if they aren't too busy arguing." 

Several demigods stifled their laughter. 

"Lord Zeus, please transport us to Olympus." Chiron called out. Several seconds passed, and then I felt the familiar feeling of my body being pulled forwards. I blinked and then realized I was standing on a smooth, marble floor with the demigods and Chiron beside me. I looked up and saw twelve giant thrones occupied by familiar beings that radiated power. 

Zeus narrowed his eyes down at us, and I saw that he looked pale and weak. Then I remembered that Percy had destroyed his master bolt when he visited Olympus to give his message. 

"Lord Zeus, what should we do? These demigods are the only ones who had survived Perseus's attack, and we know he will start to attack Olympus soon." Chiron said to the Lord of the Skies. 

Zeus scowled as he looked at his daughter, Athena. "What shall we do?" Athena's eyes flickered between the demigods until her piercing gaze landed on me. I swallowed and forced myself to remain eye-contact with my mother. 

"I think we should keep the demigods here and start to organize a battle strategy to stop Perseus from possibly reaching Olympus." Athena finally said as she glanced away from me. Zeus stroked his beard before he nodded. "Where shall these demigods stay?" 

"I will create a private quarter for them." Poseidon interjected. He stepped down from his throne, and pointing his trident at a section of the throne room wall. A jet of green light shot out and hit the wall, and a large section of the wall opened up into a room big enough to fit all of the remaining demigods inside. 

"Thank you, Lord Poseidon." I said. He ignored me as he seated himself back on his throne. I sighed as I followed the rest of the demigods into the archway. I knew Poseidon still blamed me for betraying his son. 

Jason and Reyna fell into step on either side of me as we passed underneath the archway and into the giant room. Bunk beds filled the walls, and two doors on opposite sides of the room most likely led to bathrooms for girls and boys. In the middle of the room was several tables and I guessed that was where we would sit and eat. Another doorway was in the back of the room, and I wanted to go and see where that would lead. 

Chiron gazed around the room and said "I guess we'll be staying here until the Gods deem fit." 

"I'm not complaining. This is rather nice." One of my half-brothers said. The other demigods chimed in, but the Ares kids looked horrified. 

"This is boring! Is there no training room? Is there nothing we can do except sit and talk?" Clarisse demanded. Chiron rubbed his forehead wearily and pointed at the doorway in the back of the room. 

"My dear, I think that is the training room." Clarisse stalked over to the door, threw it open, and stuck her head inside. She gasped in delight and her siblings crowded around her, all peeking into the doorway as well. 

"Hades yeah! If any of you need me, I'll be in here!" Clarisse slipped inside the door, and her siblings followed suit, leaving the rest of the demigods behind. I exchanged a glance with Reyna and she smiled thinly. "I guess we'll have to keep up our training as well. The Olympians probably want us to be in tip-top shape when we encounter Percy and his army once more." 

"I don't think I would be able to hurt Percy." I whispered. I watched as Reyna's dark eyes narrowed. "Well, he doesn't seem to have a problem with hurting you. Yes, he was your boyfriend, but now he is your enemy. If you pause, he will kill you." 

I ran my hand across my eyes, and heaved a sigh. "I know." "You'll be fine. Reyna and I will be at your side, and we'll be there if you need help." Jason said, patting me on the head. 

I cast my gaze to the vaulted ceiling above us and muttered "It wouldn't make much of a difference." 

Word count: 1380

hey guys, thanks for 11k reads! have a great day, since there's no school ;)

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