12. Falling

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I stood in the middle of a moonlit clearing with my hunting knives in my hand. The rest of Percy's army was scattered around me in small groups, many of them talking about the upcoming attack on Camp Jupiter. 

I was honestly a bit nervous. When I had visited Camp Jupiter with my old mistress, I had watched the Romans train. They were all ferocious fighters, and they were all well organized compared to the Greeks. I looked at Percy's tent, which was an outline of shadow in the darkness. Where was he? 

As if my thought summoned him, Percy appeared in front of me. He wasn't wearing his cloak when we went to fight the hunters of Artemis. Instead, he was dressed like a casual teenage boy, with a leather jacket and jeans. I noticed that he had a black ring on his index finger, and I knew that he had never worn it before. 

"Another enchanted item?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. Percy smirked at me as he pressed a finger against it, and two black hunting knives appeared in both of his hands. I inhaled sharply as I stared at the weapons. They were simply beautiful. 

"I know, look at these beauties. I haven't used them yet, but I would finally get to today." Percy grinned before the knives transformed back into the ring on his index finger. Percy turned and his green eyes surveyed his army, who were now all looking to Percy for orders. 

Percy waved a hand and a portal appeared in front of him. Magic and power practically radiated from the portal, and many of the soldiers took an involuntarily step back. Percy rolled his eyes and said "This is your transport to Camp Jupiter. Once you get to the Roman camp, stay where you are. Do not let any of the Romans notice you until I arrive." 

"Yes Commander!" I stayed beside Percy and watched demigod after demigod disappear into the portal. Marissa was one of the last to step through, and she sneered at me before vanishing into the portal. Percy raised an eyebrow at Marissa's actions before he turned to me with a wicked smile on his face. 

"The time has come for Camp Jupiter to fall. Go Zoe, I'll be right behind you." I nodded before stepped through the portal. I went weightless for a moment before I regained feeling in my body. I glanced behind me just in time to see Percy step through the portal. He snapped his fingers and the swirling vortex of magic disappeared. Percy's army quickly hustled into several straight lines while I took my place beside Ethan with Percy a few steps ahead of us.

We were standing on some sort of grassy hill that gave us a clear view of the Roman camp spread out in front of us. I spotted some armoured figures walking briskly throughout some of the streets, but other than that the camp was quiet. Percy muttered something inaudible before he raised his foot and stomped hard on the grass. The earth rumbled underneath me and I yelped in surprise as cracks spread rapidly throughout the dirt, heading towards the Roman camp. 

Distant yells came from Camp Jupiter and I smiled as demigods started to emerge from houses, armed with shields and various types of weapons. The Romans streamed quickly into the field where we were standing, and immediately fell into some sort of defensive positions. A girl with a purple cape and several medals pinned to her chest appeared at the front of the crowd of Romans. 

I recognized her instantly. Reyna, daughter of Bellona and the Praetor of the Twelfth Legion. Percy shifted and his two black wings unfurled themselves from behind his back. Reyna's eyes widened in shock once she saw who it was.



I stared in bewilderment at the legendary son of Poseidon. Percy was much taller and more lean when I had last seen him several years ago, and now two black wings were protruding from his shoulder blades. 

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