18. Ambush

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I tried to get some sleep, but I couldn't. My body didn't seem to want to listen to me, so I slid out of bed and pulled on a shirt. I walked out of my tent and stood in the middle of the clearing. All of my soldier's were asleep, their tents dark and silent. 

I walked towards the archery range, and held out my hand, my bow shimmering into existence. I pulled back on the string, and an arrow appeared, ready to be released. I was about to fire when I sensed the presence of shadow-travelling beside me. I was blessed by Nyx after all. 

I dropped my bow and turned but someone solidified into existence and tackled me, sending both of us crashing to the ground. My attacker quickly jumped on top of me, pinning me to the ground with my arms over my head. I glanced up and met the furious, onyx eyes of Nico Di Angelo. 

What the fuck? 

"I finally found you." Nico growled as he tightened his hold on my wrists. "You're coming with me to Olympus, where you'll be executed for your crimes!" 

(Not going to lie, I had to think if I was using the correct "your.")

I was shocked for a second before I started to laugh. I could tell that greatly unnerved my cousin as he dug his fingernails into my wrists. "Stop! Why are you laughing? You killed the Hunters of Artemis, you killed the Romans, and you killed half of the Greeks! You even fucking killed my father! And worst of all.... YOU KILLED THALIA AND HAZEL!" 

Tears started to stream down Nico's cheeks, but I didn't feel any remorse or guilt about the people I had killed. They deserved it. They all deserve to die. Except for a few select ones. They'll have the honour of becoming my personal slaves. 

"Wow, so it took you that long to track me down? I'm disappointed." I said. Nico's eyes narrowed and he bared his teeth at me. I never knew that Thalia and Hazel's deaths affected him this much. Come to think of it, he was mad at me when Bianca died, even though that wasn't my fault. 

"Shut up, Perseus. I can't believe I used to have a crush on you." I started to laugh once more as Nico pulled me to my feet, even though I was a good head taller. He pulled out several chains of celestial bronze, but before he could put them on my wrists, I wrenched free from his grip and kicked him in the chest, sending Nico flying into a tree. He collided with the trunk and collapsed to the ground, groaning. 

I smirked as my wings unfurled from my back. I shot forwards, grabbed Nico by the front of the shirt, and lifted him off the ground. "You think I'll come with you that easily to Olympus, little cousin? Well, you're wrong." 

I flapped my wings and shot off the ground, carrying Nico with me into the air. I sneered at his terrified expression, and loosened my grip on his shirt. His eyes widened just as I let go and watched as he plummeted to the ground. But just before he could hit the ground, a blur of silver ran underneath him and caught Nico. 

A girl with long, auburn hair and silver eyes quickly set Nico on the ground to avoid touching a male any longer. She looked at me and scowled heavily, silver hunting knives appearing in her hands. 


"Great, now I'm going to have to move camp somewhere else." I groaned as I gently floated to the ground, my wings folding themselves behind my back. The Goddess of the Moon backed up, pushing Nico behind her as I touched the ground. 

I smiled coldly at her as I touched my ring, my own hunting knives shimmering into existence. "Well well, never knew the great Artemis would actually save a male." "I would save anyone if you were about to kill them." Artemis growled at me. She glanced at Nico and hissed "Run, boy! This isn't your fight." 

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