4. Huntress

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I appeared in the middle of a camp. Dozens of tents were set up around me, light flooding out from underneath the tent flaps. I could hear people talking, and I smiled at the lively atmosphere. Footsteps approached, and a girl with long black hair and a slightly upturned nose walked toward me. Her eyes were volcanic black, and her lips curved up into a smirk as she got closer. 

"Percy. You're back!" Zoe exclaimed, and she threw her arms around me and buried her face in my neck. I laughed and patted her hair gently. "Hey Zoe, good to see you too." 

Once I had finished training all of my powers to the max, I went over to the Underworld and visited the fields of punishment to ask the damned souls that had fought against the Gods in the war against Kronos if they wanted a second shot at destroying the Gods. They were honestly surprised at why I had turned against the Olympians, but all of them had accepted my offer. With the power of the Primordials, I brought them all back to life and now they serve in my army. 

Hades did try to stop me, but I killed him with my new scythe that was powerful enough to make Gods fade and sent his essence to Tartarus to reform a few decades later. 

You may be wondering how the Hades was Zoe with me and joining my army to destroy the Gods and their stupid children. Well, I personally went up to the sky where Zoe's huntress constellation rested and asked her if she wanted to join my army and become my second in command. I asked her because I felt that she would've thought that the Gods have done nothing for them even though thousands of demigods and other children have died fighting for them, including Zoe. She agreed that the Gods were basically using demigods to fight for them as pawns, and Zoe was brought back down to Earth as my second in command. 

Zoe broke away from the hug and her eyes scanned my body. "So how did your visit with the good old Gods go?" I smirked as I remembered the shocked and horrified faces of the Gods and the demigods when I had revealed who I was. Especially the look on Annabeth's face. 

That reminds me, I didn't get a chance to kill Adam, but I did get a chance to show Zeus a taste of my new powers. Ah, I've always wanted to strangle him, but I never got the chance to until now. 

I stretched out my new wings and grinned. "It went well. Scared the shit out of everyone, and strangled Zeus with my powers. Also, everyone was so shocked to see me. I bet they didn't think I would actually wage war against them because of my supposed fatal flaw. But it's gone now. The only loyalty I have is to you, Zoe, and to my army." 

Zoe beamed before her expression darkened. "Those puny Gods better get the smackdown they deserve. I'm tired of being a pawn in their games, and so are you, Percy." 

I yawned and nodded. "Yeah. Honestly, I'm surprised I stayed loyal to them for so long. I guess Adam coming to camp and me being betrayed was the last push to send me over to the right side." I touched the bracelet on my wrist where my beautiful scythe lay hidden, and then looked up and met Zoe's eyes. Her lips curved up in a smile before she reached over and grabbed my arm. 

"Come on, we'll go to your cabin first and take off that cloak before we head down to dinner. How does that sound?" 

I pulled away from Zoe and she looked at me, hurt flashing across her features. "Why did you-" In one swift movement, I grabbed her arm instead and spread my wings, shooting off into the sky with Zoe screaming curses at me. Once we were high enough, I grabbed Zoe's other arm and pulled her up to a more comfortable position. She glared at me, her eyes smouldering. 

"Dont. You. Ever. Do. That. Again." Zoe growled at me, her cheeks flushed from the cold wind. I shrugged as I tightened my grip on her wrists. "I find it extremely fun and enjoyable." 

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