25. Advance

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I awoke to the sound of people yelling and to the sound of running footsteps. I quickly threw back my covers and slid out of bed, pulling on t-shirt and jeans. I put my hair up and hurried outside.

Demigods and demi-titans were scurrying around, buckling up armour and retrieving weapons from racks. I saw Percy standing at the training arena, clad in black armour that showed off his muscular frame. His green eyes were narrowed as he pulled on his bracelet that contained his scythe.

I looked down at myself and turned to go back into my tent when Percy called my name. I glanced behind me to see him stalking towards me. Percy stopped a few feet away before holding out a ring identical to his, except that mine was silver. "Does this turn into hunting knives as well? Because if you don't remember, I already have a pair." I said.

Annoyance flashed across his eyes. "This isn't a time to be sarcastic. Take the ring." I paused before stretching my hand out, picking the ring up from Percy's hand. It shimmered faintly in the morning sunlight.

I looked at him before sliding the ring onto my index finger. Percy grabbed my hand before pressing his finger hard against the ring. I gasped in surprise as the ring expanded, and silver armour covered my entire body. It was light, and I was able to move quite easily in it.

"Percy, it's beautiful." I said, admiring my new armour. "I knew you would like it." Percy held up his hand and I saw another new ring on his middle finger, right beside the ring that turned into his hunting knives. He touched it and his armour shrank and disappeared. "Where do you even get these enchanted items?" I asked as I did the same.

"Nyx and Tartarus gave me these. They told me they wanted me to destroy Olympus with style." Percy chuckled before his expression turned serious. "Today's the day we attack."

I stepped forwards and linked my arm with his. "Yes. Today's the day we show the Olympians the true power of your army." A small smile appeared at the corner of Percy's mouth. "We shall."

His eyes darted around and I saw that many of the demigods and demi-titans had finished grabbing their armour and weapons and were now putting themselves in formation facing Percy and I.

Percy grabbed my hand and I leaned against him, smiling. Percy twisted his bracelet and his scythe appeared in his other hand. He raised it and slammed it onto the ground, getting the attention of his army.

"Today's the day we march to Olympus. The gods will fall, and the world will be ours to rule!" Percy yelled. Cheers erupted from the army, and I heard them chant "PERCY! PERCY! PERCY!" My boyfriend's eyes gleamed with a triumphant light and he squeezed my hand gently. "And don't forget, Zoe, you'll be at my side always."


"GO TO YOUR ASSIGNED AREAS!" Zeus roared. The Gods had flashed the remaining demigods to the ground in front of the Empire State Building and had equipped us with armour. I clutched my gladius tightly and stood beside Jason, Annabeth, and Frank. Other demigods ran around, hurrying to their assigned areas that they needed to protect.

I looked at my friends and saw that Annabeth's face was pale, and her hands were shaking as she gripped the hilt of her dagger. I placed my hand on her shoulder and whispered "Annabeth, it's okay. We're all here for you. We all have the same enemy."

The daughter of Athena took a deep breath and managed a weak smile. "I know, and I'm thankful for that." "We're all nervous, too. Remember, Reyna and I saw how Percy demolished Camp Jupiter. And we had more soldiers as well." Jason scowled when he talked about how Camp Jupiter had fallen.

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