5. Surprise

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I sat on the edge of my makeshift bed in my tent with my head buried in my hands. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened five years ago. The day my little cousin was driven out of camp, and betrayed by his own girlfriend.

I had also heard about the visit on Olympus. Percy had returned, but only to tell the Gods that he was announcing war against them. I also heard about how he was blessed by the Primordial's and he now had these new set of wings. I heard footsteps approaching and I looked up to see a girl with auburn hair wearing a silver hunter's uniform slip into my tent. The Goddess Artemis straightened up and raised an eyebrow at me. "Thalia, when are you ever going to stop thinking about your cousin?"

I stood up so that I was facing the Goddess. She was in her twelve year old form so I basically towered over her. "Never. I can never stop thinking about him. I mean, come on, he vanishes for five years and then returns just to tell us he's going to war against us. I remember the days when he was so happy with Annabeth." I sighed angrily and ran a hand through my hair.

Artemis's silver eyes studied me. "You do know that our father will not hesitate to kill him?"

"But that's the point, my lady. I can't afford to see Percy die. Sure, he's now an enemy, but it is our fault for making him an enemy. He was driven out of camp, and his own girlfriend betrayed him." I rubbed at my eyes, feeling suddenly exhausted. "If he dies, I'll feel like it's our fault. I-" I was interrupted by another hunter running into the tent, her bow in her hand. Her face was flushed, and she looked anxious.

"My lady! Thalia! We have intruders!" She cried. Artemis immediately rushed out of the tent with me at her heels. We emerged into the cool morning air and I saw the hunters lined up in some sort of defensive line, all of their bows out and aimed at five cloaked figures standing just a few meters away. My eyes narrowed as my hand crept to my bow strapped across my back. Artemis grew to a more reasonable height and growled "Who dares to step foot in the hunters camp?"

A sinister laugh echoed across the clearing, making some of the hunters shift nervously. I stood beside Artemis, my bow now in my hand. "Hello Artemis. You should recognize me." My eyes widened as the lead figure pulled off his hood to reveal cold, green eyes and an evil smirk playing around his lips. Black wings sprouted from his shoulder blades, and I gasped, my hand going to my mouth.


My cousin turned, his eyes narrowing when he saw me. "Long time no see, Thalia."

"What are you doing here, Perseus?" Artemis snapped, her eyes blazing with fury. "You are no longer welcome among the ranks of my hunters." Percy snorted in amusement. "I was never welcome among the ranks of your hunters anyways, it doesn't matter to me. I'm here, as you would simply put it, to kill your pesky hunters."

Silver hunting knives appeared in the Goddess's hands. "You are not touching any of my hunters."

Before Percy could respond, I whispered "Why? Why are you doing this, Percy? Why would you go against people you once thought were your allies?" Percy threw his head back and laughed.

"You know why I'm doing this, Thalia. You are not my cousin anymore. Nor is Nico, and Annabeth isn't my girlfriend. I was foolish enough to believe the Gods were actually better than the Titans. The Gods think they're above everyone else. They're content to just sit their asses on their thrones and go and leave the fighting to their demigod children. I'm sick and tired of being used as a pawn. So I decided to take matters into my own hands." Percy's eyes scanned the ranks of hunters before he turned and looked at the four cloaked figures behind him. "Well? Show yourselves."

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