16. Preparations

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I reappeared in the middle of our camp along with my army. I took a moment to catch my breath. Teleporting fifty demigods and demi-titans isn't exactly the easiest task.

Zoe stood beside me, twirling her still bloody hunting knives with an amused expression. "So. What are we going to do now after we've successfully eliminated several more demigods?" I looked up and saw the faint outline of several lit buildings in the distance, before turning to look at Zoe.

My mouth curved into a smile as I answered "You know where we're going to next. Mount Olympus to finally destroy the Gods." "Surely you don't want to destroy all of them? At least keep some alive to be your personal slaves." Ethan questioned with a devilish sneer.

I snapped my fingers at him. "What an excellent idea, Ethan! I'll also keep some of my dearest demigod friends alive as well."

"I thought you were going to kill them?" One of the twin sons of Hyperion asked in confusion. I rolled my eyes as I extended my wings before folding them against my back. "Where would the fun be in that? They betrayed me, tossed me aside like trash. Death would be an escape for them."

"Well when they're all kneeling at your feet, I want a personal word with Annabeth." Zoe interrupted before the son of Hyperion could reply. I glanced at her and saw that her face was full of anger and displeasure at the fight she and Annabeth had gotten into. I knew she didn't appreciate being called a demi-titan. Zoe hated her father, Atlas, with all her might, especially after he killed her.

"Of course. I think we both want to have a little.... "chat" with the daughter of Athena." I said, grinning. Zoe's eyes gleamed before she nodded in acceptance and walked towards her tent.

I looked back at my army before spreading my arms wide. "Our mission to give Camp-Half-Blood a little scare was a success. We will rest and wait for a few more days before advancing to Olympus. No doubt the remaining demigods of Camp-Half-Bloods would flock to Olympus to defend it. I want you all to train in every possible moment we have. The fight to get to Olympus won't be easy, and I can't teleport you all there. We're going to have to get through the demigods before we reach the Olympians."

Mutters of agreements filled the air and I watched as my army dispersed: some of them headed to their tents, others went into the woods for gods know what, and the rest went to the training area I had set up.

I went down to the training area as well and waved my hand, making more targets appear so I could practice my accuracy with throwing knives. I touched the ring on my finger and my black hunting knives appeared in my hands. I narrowed my eyes at the target, before putting my arm back and throwing the knife straight towards the target. The knife flew through the air before embedding itself in the middle of the bullseye about a hundred yards away.

I smiled before twirling the second knife between my fingers, then docking my arm back and throwing the second knife as well. It hit the bullseye beside the first knife. I crossed over to the target and pulled out my knives easily. I turned only to realize that I had an audience.

The people that had went to train had deserted whatever they were doing to stare in bewilderment and awe at me. I raised an eyebrow at the silent demi-titans and demigods. "Aren't you all supposed to be training?"

"Nah, we stopped to see how awesome our commander is." Ethan said, grinning at me. I snorted in amusement before waving my hand. The demigods and demi-titans all vanished and reappeared at the spot they were before they went to see what I was doing. "Go back to training."

I willed my knives away before deciding to take a quick walk in the forest before returning to my tent for a much needed rest. I had walked about two feet into the forest when an Iris-message shimmered into existence before me. I stopped and snarled at the person facing me in the Iris-message. A girl with stormy grey eyes and blonde hair.


I raised my hand to swipe through the Iris-message when she shouted "No! Stop.... Percy, hear me out. Please, just this once." I narrowed my eyes at her, before slowly lowering my hand.

"Speak, daughter of Athena. But I assure you, nothing you say will convince me to not march on Olympus."

Annabeth visibly deflated when I said that, but she swallowed before pushing some of her hair out of her face. "You have to stop and think about your actions for just a moment, Percy! You're killing hundreds of innocent demigods just because you've been betrayed by us. You're taking this way too seriously!"

I glowered at her, feeling the ground shake lightly underneath me. "Why would I need to think about my actions, Annabeth? I trusted all of you, to the extent where I would gladly give my life to protect you! I loved you so much I told you where my Achilles spot had been. You were my anchor, my love for you was enough to help me survive the swim in the River Styx. Then Adam came along and planted false evidence of me being a traitor in my cabin, and you believed him. You believed a new camper that you barely knew over your own boyfriend. You wouldn't understand the heartbreak I felt, the betrayal coursing through my very veins. What made it even worse is that my fatal flaw was loyalty. But thanks to you and the people that I had once called my friends, it was destroyed. My new loyalty resides to my army, and the primordials."

Annabeth stared at me, stunned, her mouth slightly open in shock. I shook my head, feeling my anger die down. I suddenly felt weary and tired. "Don't ever try to communicate with me again. I will destroy Olympus, and there is nothing you can do to stop me."

I swiped through the Iris-message, but I caught sight of Annabeth's face one last time as I did. A single tear had rolled down her cheeks.

I stood silently in the forest for a few more moments, Annabeth's pained face in my mind. I gritted my teeth and shoved any thoughts of my ex-girlfriend out of my head. We were done. Over. She broke my heart, broke my trust, my loyalty.

I turned and quickly left the forest, spreading my wings and launching myself into the air. I flew quickly to my tent and folded my wings, dropping lightly onto the ground. I entered my tent and waved my hand at the entrance, putting up an invisible barrier so that no one would be able to enter.

I made my way over to my bed, shrugging off my jacket until I was clad in a black t-shirt. I sat down on my bed, putting my head in my hands. It wasn't easy to just remove someone from your life who was very important to you.

I felt like banging my head against the wall but I knew better than to resort to that. Instead, I decided that in order for me to forget about what Annabeth, I had to push past it. I had to accept that she is no longer part of my life anymore.

I curled my hand into a fist, before taking a deep breath and exhaling. I couldn't wait to have everyone kneeling before me once I had conquered Olympus.

I would show them how strong Percy Jackson had really gotten.

Word count: 1307

I'm like.... slowly losing motivation to continue updating but i really don't like leaving any type of story unfinished. and also, the amount of people starting to read and vote and recognize this story is amazing, so i'm going to finish this.

i swear, the weather where i live is so crazy. one day it's 9 degrees celsius and then the next day is 25 degrees celsius. ;-;

anyways, i'm going to leave it here for now because I'm procrastinating on my homework as usual.

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