15. Detour

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I sat on the steps leading to the Athena cabin with a book balanced on my lap. To be honest, I wasn't really reading. Instead, I was watching Jason lead Reyna around camp, showing her all the interesting things Camp-Half-Blood has to offer. I smiled before my face turned grim. I was constantly thinking about Percy and brainstorming ways to convince him to come back to us, but all of my ideas seemed stupid, and would probably cause one of us to die.

I sighed in frustration and picked up the book, intending to actually read. I was halfway through the first page when alarmed shouts rang out throughout the camp.  

I dropped the book and rose quickly to my feet, my hand on my dagger sheathed at my waist. I ran over to where Jason and Reyna were standing on Half-Blood-Hill, along with the other demigods. 

"What's going on?" I demanded. Reyna glanced at me before nodding up at the hill. "That's the problem." I looked up and saw cloaked figures shimmering into existence at the very top of Half-Blood-Hill. There were about 50 of them, and they were all armed with swords, spears, or daggers. Two more figures appeared in front of the small army. 

I have a bad feeling about who these people were. 

I heard the sound of hoofbeats and turned to see Chiron galloping up the hill, his bow in his hand. His eyes narrowed when he saw the cloaked figures. "Who are you? What business do you have with Camp-Half-Blood?" One of hooded people laughed, sending chills down my spine. I gripped the handle of my dagger and pulled it out of it's sheath. 

"You still don't recognize me? Honestly, I thought the sight of my warriors would be enough." The person shook it's head before reaching up and pulling off it's hood. I clenched the hilt of my dagger as Percy Jackson smiled coldly at the stunned demigods. The other figures behind him also pulled off their hoods, and the person beside Percy revealed itself to be a girl with long, black hair and volcanic eyes. Zoe fucking Nightshade. 

The demigods beside me pulled out their weapons while Jason flipped his coin and his gladius appeared in his hand. Reyna yanked out her gladius and scowled up at Percy. 

"Jackson! I thought you had more honour than this! I respected you, I.....I even had a crush on you! What happened to the loyal Praetor of Rome and the saviour of Olympus?" She shouted up to him. 

Percy's eyes narrowed as his cold smile vanished. His gaze flickered over to Jason and I. "I'm sure Jason told you what they have done. They are main cause of what had happened me. Along with all of you." Percy turned his cold gaze to the other demigods, who shrunk under his fierce glare. 

Footsteps approached and Adam Green ran up the hill, pushing past demigods before standing a few feet away from Percy and his army. "You have got to be kidding me." I growled. I started towards Adam but Reyna grabbed my arm, stopping me. I looked at her and she shook her head, a small smile on her face. "Why are you sticking up for the person that caused Percy to turn into a monster?" 

"What do you mean? I can't have another demigod die at the hands of Percy, no matter how annoying and idiotic Adam may be." I snorted, pulling out of Reyna's grip. "And I'm the one who actually believed his lies in the first place." 

I moved forwards to stand beside Adam, my dagger pointed at Percy. "Percy. Leave before I call the Olympians here to kill you." I winced at my own words. I was sentencing my ex-boyfriend to death. 

Percy tilted his head, his expression emotionless. Zoe chuckled quietly and said "You actually think the Olympians would be able to kill Percy? You stupid daughter of Athena. He has more powers than the Olympians combined!" I glared at her as she wounded my pride. "Shut up, demi-titan. I'm surprised the Olympians let you live. You're the daughter of a scumbag!" 

Zoe's eyes flashed murderously and she pulled out her silver hunting knives. "You whore! At least I don't betray my own boyfriend!" I flinched at her words. I try to forget about what had happened five years ago, but I can't. Not if Percy kept on appearing in my life, forcing me to remember what I had done to him. 

"Enough, Zoe." Percy said, putting a hand on her arm. She visibly relaxed, lowering her knives. "There's no point in arguing with her. She claims to be a daughter of Athena yet she's as stupid as one of the Ares' kids." "How dare you insult my father?" Clarisse snarled, raising her electric spear. 

 Percy glanced at her before turning to his army. "You all know what we're here for. Leave Adam, Annabeth, Jason, and Reyna to me." His army moved forwards, and the demigods rushed to intercept them. Screams of pain reached my ears as I saw many demigods already falling at the hands of Percy's army. 

Two twins moved through the fighting, lighting their hands ablaze and throwing fire at demigods. "Percy has demi titans in his army?" I thought in surprise. I turned to see Percy walking towards us, a sneer on his face. 

He touched a ring on his finger and two black hunting knives appeared in his hands. "Now let's see, who should I kill first?" "You're not killing anyone, Perseus." Percy glanced over to his right just in time to see Chiron fire an arrow at his face. Percy dropped one of his knives and reached up, catching the arrow before it hit him. 

My mouth dropped open in shock. How the hell did he have such good reflexes? 

Percy looked at the arrow before rolling his eyes and snapping it in half. "Really, Chiron? I expected better of you. You are the teacher of demigods after all." Chiron looked sadly at his former pupil. "You were my favourite student, Perseus. But again, most of them leave in the end. Heroes come and go, like you." 

Percy gritted his teeth as he picked up his hunting knife. "You know what? You're going to die first, son of Kronos." He lunged at Chiron but to my surprise, Adam darted forwards and blocked Percy's swing. "As much as I hate this old fart, I have the chance to show you I was always better than you!" 

Adam kicked Percy in the chest, but to his horror, Percy didn't even budge. He grinned at the terrified son of Poseidon. "Okay, since you so badly want death, I'll give you death." Percy's body melted into shadows in front of Adam, and he whirled just in time to see Percy reappear with a grin and slice his daggers across Adam's throat. 

I stared in horror as Adam's eyes widened in shock before his body slumped to the ground, blood pouring from his neck. Percy glanced at his bloody knives and smirked. He gave Adam's body a swift kick to the ribs. "I've been waiting to kill this idiot for a long time." 

"NO!" Jason roared. His gladius sparked with electricity and he ran at Percy. Percy dissolved into mist and reappeared at the top of Half-Blood-Hill before Jason reached him. "I'm getting bored. The Olympians better put up a good fight when I destroy them." Percy groused. Zoe walked up to stand beside him, her silver hunting knives slicked with blood as well. "I'm sure they will, Percy." She said, smiling at him. 

I felt a pang of jealously before I pushed it down. I knew Zoe had a crush on Percy, but it appears he wasn't going to let her into his life just yet. And why the Hades was I feeling jealous? Percy is obviously done with me and wants nothing to do with me. 

But I can't help but remember all the time we spent together. One of the best times was when the campers threw us into the late after the defeat of Kronos and we shared an underwater kiss. 

I pushed those memories aside and looked up at Percy and Zoe. "I think we've killed enough demigods. I want some alive so that they could retreat to Olympus to fight another lost cause." Percy grinned, an insane light entering his sea green eyes. 

Zoe nodded before cupping her hands around her mouth, yelling "FALL BACK!" Percy's warriors stopped whatever they were doing before running back up the hill towards their commander. Percy smiled at the remaining demigods before he looked at me, his eyes narrowing. "Don't worry Annabeth, your time will come soon." 

I opened my mouth to retort when his body flickered and vanished, along with everyone that was part of his army. 

Word count: 1484

lol sorry for not updating in like two weeks. i just lost motivation until i finally decided to grace you all with an update. 

anyways i'm out I'm heading to the mall :3

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