2. Blessings

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I reappeared in the middle of a forest. I still felt empty. The only feeling I had was the urge for revenge. Darkness wound it's way up into my heart, clamping it's steel jaws around my chest. A wicked smile formed on my face.

They would regret betraying me. They would regret choosing that scumbag Adam over me.

I will have my revenge.

I looked around at the trees before an idea formed in my head. If I were to obtain my revenge, I would have to get stronger. Stronger than I already was. I thought about what I needed to work on with my powers. I was pretty good at controlling large quantities of water, and vapor-traveling. So I wonder what else I could work on.

I was raking my brain, trying to figure out what I should do when I heard a soft voice in my head. "Do you want to get stronger, Perseus?" If I wasn't feeling so broken, I would've screamed and jumped about a foot in the air. I channeled my words to my brain and thought back "Yes. I do."

A chuckle echoed in my mind. "Very good." Before I could say anything else, I felt an intense pressure in my skull. My vision darkened, and I felt my body being tugged by an unknown force. My vision suddenly returned and I realized that I was standing in the middle of a room. Giant thrones pulsing with power surrounded me, and half of the thrones were occupied.

My eyes quickly took in the people sitting on the thrones and I nearly fainted in shock. I was standing in the middle of the Primordial Council. There was Gaea, Nyx, Erebus, Tartarus, Ourea, and Chronos.

Wait...... what the hades is going on?

I stood there, my eyes wide with shock, until Nyx spoke. "Welcome, little hero." I snapped out of my shock and instantly dropped to a knee, bowing my head. The power radiating from the Primordial's was overwhelming. Nyx chuckled and said smoothly "Rise. You do not need to bow to us."

I slowly rose to my feet, my eyes flickering between the Primordial's. I still couldn't believe I was standing in front of half of the Primordial Council and I was still alive. Especially since I escaped from Nyx's mansion in Tartarus and I helped in the downfall of Gaea. 

On that thought, how did she reform so quickly?

"Um.... Excuse me, but why am I here?" I asked. Erebus laughed at the stupidity of my words. "You're here, Perseus Jackson, because we felt the urge of revenge coming from you. The darkness in your heart is just simply amazing. We will help you obtain your revenge."

My mouth dropped open for the second time in two days. The almighty Primordial's want to help..... me?

After an awkward moment of silence, I bowed and said in a humble tone "I will be delighted to accept your help. But first, where is the rest of the Primordial Council?" "The other half of our family refuses to help you obtain revenge after seeing the darkness in your heart. But we loved it, so we decided to help you." Tartarus explained.

"I honestly do not understand why Gaea and Nyx would help me obtain my goals after all the things I have done to them. And Tartarus."

"I have forgiven you for your childish actions." Gaea said in a faint voice. "You didn't know how arrogant and stupid the children of the Gods are."

"I have forgiven you as well. You once believed in love." Nyx agreed. "But you know that love is now nothing but a tool to break hearts."

"You caused a lot of problems for me, but I have forgiven you." Tartarus concluded.

I felt a small smile grow onto my face. "I thank you all for your kindness. Now how are you going to help me?" The Primordial's exchanged looks before Ourea spoke. Her voice was low and gravelly. "We have decided to give you our blessings, Perseus Jackson. Then you can use it to obtain your revenge." My eyes widened in shock. The Primordial's want to bless me?

"I-I would be honored to have your blessings." I said. The Primordial's smiled and they raised their hands. They said something in a different language before several beams of light shot out of their hands and hit me. The pain was excruciating. I felt the bones in my back crack and I bit down on my lip in an effort not to scream.

When the pain went away, I was lying on the floor breathing heavily. I staggered to my feet, until I saw the Primordial's awestruck expressions. "They're beautiful." Nyx breathed. I glanced back and I gasped in amazement. Two beautiful black wings expanded from my shoulder blades. I gave them a flap and a gust of wind swept through the room.

"I can't thank you all enough." I said, bowing once more. Chronos smiled. "It's no problem, Perseus. You know that since we've all blessed you, you are now an immortal. You cannot die. Now go and test out your new powers." He waved his hand and I was teleported back to the forest I was standing in before.

I felt the power running through my veins. I looked around and saw a squirrel racing past me. I snapped my fingers and time instantly froze, as well as the squirrel. I laughed and raised my arms. The earth trembled and a giant mountain erupted behind me.

I held out my hand and a black scythe appeared in my hands. I twirled it between my fingers and slashed at a tree. The scythe cut through the wood like it was paper. "I'm going to enjoy this." I said, throwing my head back and laughing at the blue sky. 

An evil smile appeared on my face. Everyone who betrayed me would regret it. I will destroy them. I will end them. 

The scythe disappeared as a bracelet on my wrist, since I decided that I liked that weapon. I patted my pockets and felt my pen. I frowned as I pulled it out and uncapped it, watching Riptide spiral to life. I didn't really want to keep it, it reminded me of the demigod's betrayal. 

And it also reminded me of Poseidon claiming Adam. That son of a bitch. 

I tightened my fingers around the hilt, before I got an idea. I wasn't going to throw the sword away. Anyways, even if I did, it would always return to me. I squeezed the hilt of Riptide and watched dark lines snake up the hilt and up to the blade, turning the celestial bronze sword black. I turned the sword over and smiled. It was beautiful. 

I put the sword away before deciding to test out my new wings before I go and destroy the Gods and such. I flapped them, and I lifted off of the ground. I spiralled up into the sky, grinning gleefully. This is amazing. So much freedom. 

Thunder suddenly boomed above me and I knew Zeus must've known someone unwanted was flying in his domain. I rolled my eyes and flipped my middle finger to the sky. "Fuck off, Zeus." 

Lighting flashed, but I merely flew on, my mind set on the destroying the Gods and their stupid ass children. But first, I'm going to have to be perfect in all of my new powers. So I'll have to train. 

Yeah. I'm one of those children, but I don't consider Poseidon my dad anymore. 

He was always a shit father anyways. I touched the bracelet on my wrist and smirked. 

"I'm coming for all of you. It'll just take time." 

Word count: 1254

Why is this chapter so shitty :(

oH yEAh I'm off school for a wEeK THANK GODS. it's honestly so stressful I can't ;-;

oof my birthday is in exactly a month imma be fOurTeEn yeetttttttttt (yes i'm 13 at the moment I'm a smol bean.)

have a good day everyone! >3

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