Chapter 2

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  My wolf, Tarrina, howled in joy as my eyes locked with the most gorgeous Guy I had ever seen.

  He had brown hair that was a little shaggy and brown eyes that sparkled with life. He was wearing a blue shirt with indescribable words on it with a black leather jacket over it. He also sported a pair of jeans.

  'Mate!' my wolf howled. I couldn't seem to comprehend what was going on. I quickly averted my eyes before I started gawking and they landed on my new teacher, uh Mrs.Farner I think.

  She shot me a welcoming smile, probably trying to make me feel a little less nervous, but wasn't exactly succeeding considering my mate was in this very class.

  I finally found my footing and made my way towards her. I took out my schedule so she could see it and make sure I was in the right place, even though I knew I was.

She handed me back my schedule and turned around to face the class.

  "Okay class, today we have a new student," she started indicating toward me. At this all eyes landed on me and I waved shyly.

  "Her name is Saphira Richards, and I want you all to make her feel at home." she finished. 'Yes ma'am's' filled the air.

  "Okay so you will be sitting next to Ashton Smith, since he doesn't have a partner." Mrs.Farner said. That name caused shivers to run down my spine.

  "Ashton raise your hand." Mrs.Farner said. I looked at all the students and fought back a full blown smile as my mate lazily rose his hand not even halfway up.

  My gaze fell to his face, and he had on a bored expression. Doesn't he know I'm his mate? Shouldn't he look excited? I know he's a werewolf, so what's the deal?

  I nodded at Mrs.Farner as I made my way to my new seat. I took off my backpack and sat it down next to my chair, then I myself sat down. Mrs.Farner started talking about history but all I could focuse on was the fact thay mate was right next to me.

  'Talk to him!' my wolf cried. I quickly glanced at him out of the corner of my right eye to find his hands formed into fists at his side. Weird.

  I was about to ask him if he was okay when Mrs.Farner's voice cut in.

  "Saphira, are you willing to take the quiz on Wednesday? " she asked. My head snapped to her.

  "Yea I'll take it." I replied. I was always good at school.

  She smiled brightly at me before turning back to the board. I glanced at Ashton again to find him staring questioningly at me. I quickly snapped my gaze away from him and found the window to my left so much more interesting.

  Before I knew the bell had rung. I grabbed my bag and took out my schedule. Next I had math.

  I stood up and scanned the room looking for Ashton but he was nowhere in sight. I sighed and walked towards the door. I swung one of my backpack straps off and unzipped the bottom pocket. I took out my new school map and quickly searched for my next classroom. Downstairs, last room on the right.


  I quickly made it to the stairs and descended them as fast as I could.

  Being the new girl was bad enough, add being late and it would be a tragedy.

  I rushed down the right hallway and quickly found my classroom. I walked inside and caramel filled my senses. I quickly scanned the room and found Ashton sitting in the back, surrounded by a group of boys in football jackets and a slutty looking girl batting her eyelashes at Ashton.

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