Chapter 16

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I slowed down as I entered the town right next to mine. I was sheltered in the woods. I looked around and continued walking, taking my time.

I was in no rush to confront Ashton once again. I had been gone for three days. After my encounter with that alpha and his beta I had made sure to be more careful, which had caused me to decrease my speed.

I wonder if they knew I was gone.

I wonder of anyone was worried about me.

I wonder if he was worried about me.

I mentally sighed as I thought more and more about what had happened.

I didn't like that he did drugs and drank. I wanted him to stop.

If he didn't stop I...might have to leave him. I couldn't watch him do all of those things, and I couldn't watch him practically make a call for death to come and take him away, to take him away from me.

Tears pricked my eyes at the thought.

I looked around and was surprised to realize that I had entered my town.

I walked through the first and looked to my right to see the pack house. I turned my head and headed towards my house.

I phased into my human form as I came out of the woods and entered onto my front lawn.

I brushed off my clothes and tried to smooth them down as I walked to the front door.

Before I could even touch the doorknob it flew wide open, revealing Trevor.

Relief washed onto his face as he pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tightly.

"Are you okay?" Trevor asked holding me at arms length as he looked into my eyes.

"Yea I'm fine." I said reassuringly.

"What happened?" he asked stepping aside to let me enter the house. I walked towards the living room with Trevor behind me.

"I got into a fight with Ashton, and I, uh left." I said scratching my neck and looking away.

"Oh." he replied after a few moments, obviously at a loss for words.

"I'm going to go take a shower." I said heading towards the stairs.

"Yea I wasn't going to say anything, but you kind of stink." Trevor said smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help fight the smile that spread across my lips.


"You should go talk to him." my dad said. I looked up from my bowl of cereal to look at my dad. I had told him everything, his was mad that I had left but he was just glad I had came back unharmed.

"I didn't do anything wrong, it was all him." I huffed out angrily.

I had gotten back a few hours ago and I had thought that Ashton would have came by or something, but he didn't.

"He was worried about you." my dad said, making my head snap up from my cereal to look at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked raising a brow.

"After the pack meeting he came here to find you gone and he totally flipped out, he looked for you all day and yesterday. His dad made him come home late last night." he said.

He was actually worried about me?

He looked for me?

My heart swelled at the thought of him actually missing me, of him actually searching for me.

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