Chapter 1

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Promise not to scream? Good. (Y/n), you go back to Korea today.
It has been a whole year since my audition with BigHit. I had signed an eight-year contract, and one of those years was spent in the U.S. training vocally, some language study and dance. While I was there I learned English, I graduated and worked my ass off. I might've been able to do more with myself, but I'd never have a career if I trained forever... which I'm basically going to do anyway but whatever. Besides, my instructors said I was already at my peak. So knowing I did my best, I am ready to return home to Seoul without any regrets for even more training! Yay.

The squawking of the flight announcements rings through the slightly crowded airport as people rush around to their flight gates. Nervous adrenaline pumping for some, rushed thoughts for others while I myself am just full of relief. I watch my (f/c) converses trudge underneath me as I make my way to my own flight gate. I smile brightly when I hand my ticket over to the PSA, she checks my ticket with a nod before letting me through to the boarding dock. The dimmed tunnel that passengers are required to go through to enter the plane from the building feels almost breezy to me, and I shiver a little from the cold. Or was it my excitement? Who knows.
"Young Man, your ticket?" A second PSA is inside the plane for last minute assistance, and I show him what he needed to see. He looked slightly shocked at my seating arrangement. I'm not surprised though... If a small teenage boy with a hoodie 4 sizes too big, ripped jeans and sneakers had a first class section all to himself I'd probably be shocked at work too. As I'm quickly ushered to my seat, I get nervous because it was only my second time on a plane and I didn't get anything fancy the first. My manager pushed for it though. She wanted it just be me. I don't want to imagine how much money went into that though.
Thank god. It wasn't too lavish compared to coach. Red seats unlike the blue, and extend so I can actually lay down, a smaller area, Wifi, wireless headphones and some kind of other luxuries I guess I hadn't noticed yet. But all I honestly cared about was the headphones and Wifi. I mean, I'm still a teenager. I still love my teen stereotypes of technology. Which I intend to abuse the liberties of being able to use it as such. I settle into my seat, excited to get home. It's a 14-hour flight, but I was just too ready to be in Seoul.

A small ding sound echoes for a moment to be followed by the English speaking of a woman's monotone voice, "Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. If you haven't already done so, please stow your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt. And also make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright position. If you are seated next to an emergency exit, please read carefully the special instructions card located by your seat." My eyes drift down to the side of my seat to see a pamphlet sticking out of a smallholder. I take it and flip through as the voice continues on. "If you do not wish to perform the functions described in the event of an emergency, please ask a flight attendant to reseat you." I'm actually very glad I'm not flying economy. I wouldn't feel like dealing with all the seat changes. "We remind you that this is a non-smoking flight. Smoking is prohibited on the entire aircraft, including the lavatories." I chuckle at this, it's sad in the first place that this needed to become an announcement. I wonder who the idiot was in life that made that possible, but it continued on, "Tampering with, disabling or destroying the lavatory smoke detectors is prohibited by law. If you have any questions about our flight today, please don't hesitate to ask one of our flight attendants. Thank you." God, I don't think I could say that mouthful every day. I ponder the thought of calling a flight attendant just to question how they can handle their job, but scratch the idea when I look at my phone screen. I rather just listen to music, and probably sleep so I'm not too jet lagged once I get home.

My fingers lightly ran across the red velvet like fabric of my seat as I scrolled through my song list. My mind was too much of a mess to make a decision though, so I put on shuffle and snuggled into my seat. I closed my eyes, and let sleep slowly take over as take off began. I would rather be sleeping than deal with hours of boredom, and being well rested when getting home seemed like a must at the moment. But said moment was interrupted when my phone started ringing. I was getting a video call from my manager. I sit up and answer her call to be greeted with a super excited face. "My little (Y/n)! How are you darling? Ready to come home?" She cooed. My manager, Jisu, she was like the mother I never had thought she wasn't too much older. She can be quite hyper about every new event in my life, but I thank her for it. "Jisu-ya! Aish, I just got on the plane and you call me. Such a nagger." I tease as she begins to whine. We have a good relationship for manager and client. Which I am very glad about. I explain to her once we are done laughing that I was going to sleep to be more adjusted after my last experience with jet lag. Jisu nodded in agreement and yawned herself, "You're right. It's night here already so that's probably a really good idea. Night night, my darling." She waved before ending the call, and I got comfortable once again. My darling. Jisu had been calling me that since she found out I lived on my own in high school. I moved out of my parents' home when I was young, well more like I got kicked out but I made it just fine without them. Jisu wanted me to be able to rely on others though, so she babied me and praised me and did everything a good mom I guess would do. I admire her for that so much. Though, I can be quite stubborn about it. I smile to myself I feel my eyelids finally getting heavy, and I drift off to sleep.


Korea. A country with a slightly bad reputation, but amazing culture no matter how you look at it. Also my home, and god how I have missed it. I never thought being abroad would make me so needy for this place. Arriving here, everything seemed to blur by. I landed and was immediately met by Jisu who dragged me to the company building in such a hurry that I almost forgot my luggage at the airport. Then I had to speak with programming directors who would be leading myself and other trainees for the next upcoming months. That's what is interesting about this business, the training. It's so extensive, and we go through so much of it but only some of us will debut. We take dancing, singing, acting and language classes just to enable us for the potential of being global stars. Right now though, it's the end of the June which means all that training is going to be evaluated. But before that can happen Jisu needs to ensure that I will be with a trainee group for said evaluation. I feel that I'm ready for it. I don't have any jet lag considering I barely rest as it is. Because I was a student my daily routine in America would start around 5 am, and would casually carry on to the early morning of the next day as well. So for me, sleep is for the weak, my body is used to long hauling. Which is what the career honestly requires, and momma raised no bitch. Well, I mean, I'm my own mom other than Jisu but hey.

Jisu sighed when we finally left the office we were cramped in for the past hour, and honestly it was a big mood. I just wanted food and a really good nap. This is my only 'free' day at the moment, and I want to hurry before I get stuck working again. "I'm sorry my darling boy, I will treat you to dinner to make up for all that crap back there." I simply nodded and followed close behind her as she trotted off to some unknown destination. A few blocks away from BigHit, we stopped in front of a place called Brick Oven New York Pizza. Which generally confused me. It was oddly specific American food in the heart of South Korea. I looked to Jisu with my eyebrow raised, and she chuckles. "You've been in the states so long I figured it would be better to feed you something you're used to," Jisu explained wholeheartedly as she pushed through the glass door. It seemed like a nice casual place. It had a large penciled mural of New York on the far wall while the room was scattered with light wooden tables and chairs. The glass light fixtures above our heads shone resembling plant art nouveau, and brown leather booths lined along a section of brick columns which seemed to hide the kitchen. Our feet tapped across the gray gravelly tile as we found a table and flagged over a waitress for the menu. A smile slowly worked it's way on my face as I absorbed the atmosphere. It was honestly a lovely place to be, and the food's alluring scent tickled my nose with temptation. As I was subconsciously licking my lips while scanning over the menu, I heard Jisu giggle almost nostalgically before I took a peek at her. Her hands raised in a defensive gesture as she smiled. I reached for one of the glasses of water the waitress had brought to us as she asks if we were ready to order. We kindly waved her off for another moment as I continued to give Jisu a questioning look about her behavior.  "It's nothing really. You just reminded me of the time I saw Mr.Jung sneak in here." I choked mid-drink. Mr.Jung...? As in Jung Ho- "Yes, that Mr.Jung," her smile widened even more now seeing as she obviously read my thoughts. I inwardly squealed as my eyes scanned all over the restaurant once more. My dance idol at pizza here too. Well, it's not too surprising considering he's a celebrity, and this was close to work but HOLY CRAP. My mood went from comfortable to so excited in a second as I sipped my water to try to relax as best as possible. Anything interesting about him and the other boys makes me happy. And now that we work at the same company, I guess I'm just a tiny bit closer to them. I'm just a single trainee, but I feel as though I will be one the next to debut. Whether it be as a soloist or in a group. I just feel it in my gut. I really do. Dinner carries on blissfully with Jisu, and the evening seems to pass by in an absolute flash. In the midst of our conversation, I truly realized how much I missed Korea. I just hope one day when I come home that Korea missed me...

I basically want to slowly introduce you to the boys. I want this story to be more realistic before you guys just jump in and suck face with our 7 visual kings.
Sorry if that kind of story doesn't float your boat.

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