Chapter 6

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(Author's pov)

Voices were still as his gaze roamed your features, wanting to find your reason for complying so easily now. It was already the end of the next day and both your minds recalled the late evening before. The night you pulled him into your apartment there was still argument on the topic of coming back. You bickered back mindlessly as you forced him onto your bed to sleep. Bundling yourself in a hoodie to lay on the floor, you didn't expect him to keep asking why you won't go back. He was with Jisoo, surely he'd know. Seokjin's voice called to you until almost dawn, but you ignored the questions and pleading. When he finally stopped he seemed to have cooed himself to sleep. Sitting up to confirm he was sleeping, your throat seems to tighten at the sight of his angel like face.

Little hands fixed the messy strands of hair that draped in his eyes as he slept. Your fingers traced the chiseled curves of his jaw. His up close, natural beauty astounding you much more than any picture or video he'd been in before. How special must a person be for God or whatever binding force of the universe is out there to make them this perfect to look at? Of course Seokjin himself was a mere human with imperfections like the rest of the world but his presence was that of someone much more superior. A king amongst the common man perhaps. Such a person knocked on your door for hours, just to see your face and know you were okay. He spent his whole day, his free time in such a busy schedule to try to convince you to at least open your door. He didn't even know you. The hero you thought he was before seemed to not suit him as you recall his actions.

Small breathes and occasional peeps slipped from his lips. Gently, you began to hum a random tune that had crept from the back of your mind. You weren't quite sure of the song, but it felt right for the moment as you watch him sleep. A well needed rest he very obviously needed. A rush of bitter sweet joy came over you when his eyes opened to find you stroking his hair to keep him sleeping soundly. Seokjin smiled softly, the moment feeling almost natural. You both sat there, eyes locked while feeling the warmth of the early afternoon sun peeking through the windows. The moment was still, unbothered by any worried you both had before. Your hand attempts to pull away, but halts when his brows knitted at the loss of your touch. Chuckling lightly you stood from the wooden floor, "Good morning Sunbae-nim."

His nagging was almost unbearable. Jisoo was surely defeated in the area of expertise. Since you left him in bed his voice was so fatherly, so expecting that for the first time in the past 5 years it irritated you. Seokjin went on and on about not giving up on dreams, and staying in good health. You nod along, too tired to verbally disagree. It was truly astonishing that he hasn't run out of things to say quite yet. A large mug full of (f/d) finds it way to your lips, the liquid tempting your taste buds for more as you begin to drown out his pestering. You never dreamed it would be like this. One of your biggest idols is sitting at your breakfast table, and you're ignoring him as much as possible. His fork poked at the eggs and toast you made for him moments before. Pouting that he couldn't get you to come back for review at least. No one could convince you to go back, no matter how important they were in your life. That life didn't seem to be for you anymore. Your eyes drift back to the chanting man. He was so beautiful. You always thought so. You note the way his brows drop as he's stuck on an explaination, and flicks his head when he can't seem to find the right words. It was amusing to say the least. "Wait... My phone, the guys are going to kill me," his hands fly to his pockets in a dramatic search for said object. You ponder his panic for a moment before realizing. He meant the rest of Bangtan.

You were struck with fear. Their beloved Hyung was with you all day and night. Seokjin had been at your home for almost 24 hours and barely said a word to his other members. They must've been so worried, possibly angry. The thought of it being your fault for their feelings crept over you like a blanket of darkness. Bangtan probably hates you for putting him through so much. These things consumed you in your very seat. You didn't mean to think negatively, but what did the situation call for? What would they do when they found out? "(Y/n)?" A voice cut through your daze and your eyes met Seokjin's concerned ones. "I'm sorry, I must've put a lot of pressure on you," standing, he bows respectively causing you to claim your arms in denial. He has never really burdened you, he hasn't done anything wrong in your life. He didn't need to apologize, yet there he was. His head low, shoulders stiff giving you a view of the arch of his back. Not knowing what else to do, you grab hold of his face quickly making him face you. "No! Don't ever apologize, you didn't do anything wrong." Lips broke into a smirk, he stands straight. "Then come back to the company with me. While we're there the boys would love to meet you."

You nod slowly. You agreed, and you don't even know why.


So. Short and pretty bad I know but don't worry, it gets better. I'm sorry if im too slow with updates. I purple you guys!

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