Chapter 29

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Luka pov

"You don't get it! They both just shut up as if they both aren't multilingual smart asses!" Daejung was shouting from the other side of the screen as him, and Bangtan's maknae line practically squeeze into a dog pile. It was funny to watch but their concerns weren't going away about the situation. "Well, it can't be as bad as you think. It might've just been him fan boying to Sunbae-nim," I attempted to console them to no avail. The boys continued to bicker on the subject while I adjust my sitting position just enough for Taehyun to sit beside me. The TxT members have been listening to this rant with me for what seems like hours. They were humored by it, and teased their Hyungs. Seok joined in with the taunting occasionally as well, but they only groaned in response.

Even so, their adorable witty banter didn't distract me from what was at hand. I was curious to know what (Y/n) had snuck off to talk about that night. It was common curiosity, nothing earth shaking. But I really did want to know. Without thinking I end the call, and go through my contacts. Smiling when I find the name I want, I immediately click the call button and wait.

One ring. Two rings.

"Hi Hyung!"

An all too smiley (Y/n) graces my screen. His body seemingly upside-down as he laughs at his own loud greeting. "Could I ask you something?" My voice is silent though it didn't really matter. His face falls serious at my hushed tone, and he fixes himself properly. "What is it?" (Y/n)'s response was equally as quiet regardless of the mess of boys on my end. It was funny really, knowing how quickly he can change. (Y/n) voice was deep and narrow when speaking the English language. His fluent roll of the tongue heavy as if it were native. In Korean though he sounded like that of a child. The contrast always threw me off. Regardless I needed answers.

"I need to ask you about Namjoon."


(Y/n) pov

Our few days off are already starting out bad. The maknaes, and Sin wouldn't leave me alone for a single moment. Their obsession with knowing what was said between me, and Namjoon had yet to die down. Even Luka asked me about it. It was driving me absolutely insane, but I bit my tongue. Every waking moment they were trying to sweet talk me or Namjoon into telling them about it. I think dealing with them was more exhausting than the actual tour.

"(Y/n)," Jimin slid his arm around my shoulder first thing at the breakfast table. The other members, and staff completely disregarding it as they continued to enjoy the hotel's meal. It's hard for me to believe I was basically in love with all seven of these men. Their personalities are exactly the same as they were when I became army. They aren't any different in person at all. But I guess when you experience it first hand it starts to rub off differently. "What is it Chim?" I lazily sip my cup of juice as I feel him lean closer. To my surprise the warmth of his lips grazed my ear causing me to freeze up. "You know what army say. Chim and Jimin are different, and trust me I'm not Chim," his voice is a hushed seductive whisper.

My head was spinning.

What type of Ao3 bullshit is this?

Jimin's hand wraps around my wrist before I am quickly pulled from the table, and into the hotel's elevator hall. I didn't have the slightest idea what he was doing, or where we were going. I just know that this was not my plan for today. And I really wanted to finish my pancakes!

The elevator opens, and I'm pulled inside with no care for protesting. Whatever he wanted was probably not that big a deal. So I stood quietly watching the elevator door close again. That was fine of course until I felt Jimin's toned frame press to my back. His arms wrapping around my waist, completely caging me to him. Most would just take this as normal back hug from him, but i couldn't do that. The memory of his drunken breath on my neck creep into my mind. Jimin's random physical affection making my heart race a mile a minute. It was intense for just a back hug.

"Do I make you nervous?" His voice was dominant in nature like before. His satoori slipping as he continued to question me. "Do you like this? Being this close?" I was confused. We personally never talked much. Chatting with everyone else there sure, but alone was something different. I didn't even have his number, yet here we were in an elevator with his lips grazing my neck once again. I don't understand. Maybe it was some kind of game, or prank.

But why don't I stop him?

The elevator chimes loudly, pulling Jimin away as we reach our floor. Once again but with a bit more speed in his step, Jimin pulls me down the hall right to his room. "We're going to have a talk, so make yourself comfortable (Y/n)."

{A/n} Hello my beautiful readers! I'm sorry that update took so long. I got distracted with a couple new ideas for the stories happening in my college AU series, and my scifi/magic AU series.

And a brand book new inspired by a post I seen a while ago on Twitter. I really do hope you enjoy it. The first chapter is already published if you'd like to go check that I'll leave a link at the bottom. I'm hoping to turn that into a single story line trilogy for you all. The story is called Bulletproof|Family. So I do highly recommend it if you're enjoying this book here. For those not using things like a browser to view this story, if you'd like to access any other stories of mine my profile is always there with hopefully something entertaining.

"Bulletproof | Family"

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