Chapter 27

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The show was amazing. My eyes couldn't focus on any one thing in particular. The stage sets were beautiful, the members were being a mess as usual and there was even a firework display. I felt like a normal fan again as I watched. But when it was over, I was honestly kind of sad. I looked up towards the sky at the beautiful fireworks. All the Army in the crowd screamed their excitement as the sky light up. But when we all looked back at the stage, the boys were gone. It took me a second to realize this was on purpose. Sin frowned as he watched the monitor as well. They distracted Army so they could leave, and it even got to us.

"Dude, if it wasn't for the fact that they are headed to the dressing room I'd probably be crying. I can't imagine the crowd right now," Sin shifted to sit back in his seat while I nodded silently. If we really weren't back here right now, and if we were just part of the audience I'd probably be really overwhelmed. There's a lot to think about there.

"S-so what did you think?" A very winded Seokjin slips in with us just as the artists and stylists start to clean up their supplies. He's sweat still, and hadn't even changed from his stage clothes. In his hand a bottle of water, half gone and slightest crushed from his intense grip as he heaves out a breath. "Relax for a but then we can talk about the show Stupid Hyung."

"Why do you always call me that? Why can't you just love me?" Seokjin whined while attempting to embrace me. I dodged quickly because of his sweat, and scowled. "Go clean up, and maybe I'll give you some affection. Okay?" He nodded with a big goofy smile on his face before running off. Leaving me, and Daejung alone as the staff all piled out. "I can't tell if he wants to be your dad or your boyfriend, but it's funny as hell!" Daejung was cackling like a crazy person beside me while holding his sides. His bright red hair now faded, bounced about as he tried to recompose himself. I didn't get what was so funny, if anything his comment was just weird. Confused, I slip out of the room and head toward the dressing area hoping the boys were ready. We still had a while until we actually left the venue. The boys said they wanted to wait until a good section of the audience was cleared first. So it wasn't much surprise when I walked in and the maknae line was spread out on one sofa. Cuddle up together as the pant quietly. They've been awake for almost 24 hours, pushed themselves physically since they've been up and only had so much time to eat or rest. I can't blame them for how dead they look right now.

"Ah, my little bird~ Come here!" Taehyung whined making grabby hands at me. He hair stuck to his forehead from the sweat, but his clothes were changed. He cleaned up a little but his body was still a bit worked up. Taehyung himself though was completely exhausted and pouting for my attention. It was cute of course, and I couldn't help but comply. My feet pad over in his direction. He starts to smile, and sits up just enough to grab my hand. Before I can say anything I am pulled into his lap. "Tae, I don't th-" I'm silenced by the other Maknaes on either side of us as they drape their arms around me. Refusing this was out of the question. This was way better than all the fanfics. Just a little cuddle pile with the nation's baby boys? What could go wrong for just sitting still a few minutes? My eyes close, and I relax into the moment. It was so soothing.

"Yah! So we hug the kids but not me? Where is that even fair? What happened to me?" I open an eye to see an angry... shirtless... Seokjin. Holy shit. I scramble out of Taehyung's lap to which he whines in protest. "Hung it's not like- Shit, can you please out some clothes on?" I cover my face in pure embarrassment. The fandom is always talking about how he might look under his shirt from all the working out, and eating. But this is nothing close to what I expected. Seokjin's waist was entirely slim, with a smooth hip dip. He was excellently toned and the melanin worked wonders to increase how good he looked. He was literally thick in a lot of places, and I didn't know how to cope with the information. "Why? We're all guys here it's fine," Namjoon called from the other end of the room as I heard someone shuffle closer. I refused to uncover my eyes. No way was I looking up.

"(Y/n), look at me," Yoongi's voice was right next to my ear. It wasn't just any voice either. It was deep, and husky, basically panting from being a stage just a few minutes ago. Yoongi had such a commanding presence that i couldn't help it. I looked.

The entire Hyung line was basically naked. And were very, very close to me. I screamed and jumped back onto the sofa. I landed on someone who wasn't Taehyung but didn't care as I buried my face into his neck. "Angel, it's just the Hyungs. What's wrong?" Jeongguk's arms snaked around my waist as he whispered to me. I didn't answer, but Daejung sure did. "He can't handle seeing pretty men."

The entire ride back to the hotel I was teased. Except by Taehyung who would not stop pouting the whole way back. "Tae Tae, what's wrong?" I asked maybe a few blocks away from our destination and he looked at me with a childish scowl. "You look at me just fine. How are they so good looking that you can't handle it?" I didn't have a comment. How do I just bluntly say I'm gay as hell and it was only because they weren't wearing clothes? Regretfully I just look away. I face Daejung who is just smirking like a big idiot. "Hey, if you guys don't manage to sleep too much tonight... You can hang out in our room. Me and (Y/n) are going to be playing truth or dare," the boys perk up to this as Daejung continues. "If it's just us two we might run out dares pretty fast."

"Since when was I playing games tonight?"

"Since we're coming," Hoseok wrapped his arm around my shoulder while giving it a gentle squeeze. And just like that I'm sucked into the most ridiculous kid game ever for the night.

And credit to the artist who did this, it's so cute.

Which is another thing I want to mention!

Someone had come to me on my instagram and asked if it were okay to send me cover ideas, or other art. That is 100% okay. So if you don't already, I have a new Instagram you can follow where I post polls and little clips from my drafts.


Do I have to choose? (BTS x Ftm Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz