Chapter 25

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First night in the States before Rose Bowl in the next few days. We were lounging around the hotel after dealing with the extreme jetlag of flying. "Guys, let's get plastered!" Jimin whined out. No one really wanted to go, but he did his best to argue it out. "Okay, maybe you guys don't need to drink but let's at least dance for fun. We don't get many free nights like this. Like, thank you Seijin for managing to give us an early break. Please?" It was so hard to deny his cute little pouts. So Namjoon was up first, changing his clothes and calling the front desk to find out what time the bar closed. The others all slinked away to change or do whatever else so we could head down for the night.

Me and Daejung were going to stay back, but the 95' liner wasn't having it.

So, Jimin dragged us all down to the hotel bar to get some drinks, and relax before the big show this week. It was late so rarely anyone was around but I was still in edge. They were the BTS. Anything could happen before we go back upstairs, and I'm being super cautious about not sitting too close to them. At some point I tell Daejung I'm leaving and slip away to sit at the bar counter. There wasn't really anyone up there. It was just me, the bartender and a young woman a few stools away. She wasn't really paying attention to anything around her as she mindlessly stir her drink. I don't think I could've seen anything more relatable at the moment.

"Can I get you something?" The Scrappy looking bartender asked me with a kind smile stretched across his features. I smile back, and shrug. "Honestly, whatever she's having. I'm not in the mood for anything heavy," and he went off to his shelves to prepare the drink. "So, you speak English?" The girl at the end of the bar spoke up and looked up at me. Now that I could honestly see her face, she was a pretty girl. If I didn't know any better I would've thought she was one of our staff, but I didn't want to jump the gun and assume just any other Asian person I meet in life is also Korean. "Yeah, I do."

"The name's Amelie. I don't do handshakes, I might do a brofist though," I had to laugh. She was kinda quirky, and not in a bad way. Just by that introduction I could tell she had a good sense of humor and that somehow out me at a little ease. "(Y/n)." I introduced myself just as my drink was placed in front of me. "(Y/n)! We're going upstairs soon!" It was Daejung calling to me, but I just waved him off as me and Amelie had some kind of staring contest. I'm not sure when it started, but it didn't seem to be ending anytime soon. "(Y/n?"


"Oh my god, what?" My eyes shift over to my drunk stumbling group of idiots. I find Jeongguk looking a little guilty as I glare at them all. It was probably him who yelled, and I growled at him for just a moment when I hear Amelie laughing. "You lose. Don't let me keep you, if my friends were Bangtan Sonyeondan I wouldn't be hanging out with a stranger at some bar."

I nearly choked. She knew, and she didn't just refer to them as 'BTS'. Amelie perfectly pronounced their full group name as if it wasn't anything new to her. "Your face is the equivalent of a 'And I- oop' meme," she chuckled silently before standing up and fixing her jacket. "If you're wondering... Yeah, I'm Army, but I'm not going to he a creep about it. Respect their space, show them love, and treat them like people. There's no point in bugging them now anyway, Rose Bowl was too much money for that." Honestly if I wasn't gay, she would've sounded like perfect girlfriend material. Never had I ever met someone so respectful about personal boundaries with idols. I almost wanted to follow her as she left, for her information or just something. But I didn't. I just watched the back of her disappear into the hotel lobby.

"We're going up now, if you're ready," Daejung wrapped his arms around my shoulders stumbling a bit. "I'm ready... Let's get some sleep." We all slugged our way over to elevator, and off to our rooms for a good night's rest before having to work the next morning.

But most of the night I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about what Amelie said to me, and I wondered just how many fans were going to be that logical during this tour. My guess is probably not enough, but I guy can honestly dream.

I remember being a fan like that. I hated the toxic side of the fandom where there were no boundaries, and made the rest of us look bad. I had no respect for them. There was even a point in time where I almost refused to be called Army because a lot of people out there claimed it yet couldn't take the time to love others or be respectful enough to be what that name implied.

After meeting Amelie though, I had hope.

Early in the morning I snuck out of my room for the early bird breakfast, and just a general moment of being alone. The aroma of sweet cakes, coffees and other delicious foods swirled around me. It was mouth watering, and I couldn't help but get a little excited as I got my food. The jet lag wasn't so bad anymore once I got a good cup of (coffee/tea) in me. "Well, look who we have here. What's up Broski? Brochacho? Broseph? Broman? Bro- Actually, I got nothing. I'm out of 'Bro' words." My eyes shift up to a voice that was particularly close to me, only to find Amelie grinning with her own breakfast in hand. "Want to go eat out on the terrace? The view isn't half bad from out there."

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