Real Chapter 30 (short)

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Seokjin pov

Just like that (Y/n) and Jimin were gone, and back in the lobby with no explanation. Can't say it doesn't bother me after last time. The only difference now is that Jimin is sober and he won't snitch on himself for whatever happened when they were alone.

I watch as the two make their way right over to Namjoon. No comments are made, but Jimin was smiling so hard I'm sure he pushed his eyes further into his head. "What do you kids want?" Namjoon looked uncomfortable. Couldn't blame him when he stepped away from the Maknaes. "Hyungie~" Jimin cooed as (Y/n) just stood there awkwardly. The whole thing was a hot mess. But it was interesting enough to catch the rest of the groups attention.

"Chim, what do you want? ...(Y/n) what's going on?" Namjoon looked partially afraid. He took a few more steps back only to be followed by Jimin. The younger was being relentless, continuing forward and confusing everyone around him further. Though (Y/n) didn't move with them the look on his face was entirely apologetic to his older. I needed to know what the hell was going on. It was tense. I wasnt sure how to feel about it so I walk towards (Y/n) , his eyes were wide like a deer caught in headlights with each step I take. Before I could get a word out his small arms wrap around my waist. His face is buried in my chest, and he holds onto me tightly.  "Jimin knows. Joon is gonna kill me!"

The poor boy seemed genuinly frightened by the whole thing, and I couldn't help but to cradle him tightly. I'm sure whatever it was they spoke about wasn't that bad. "(Y/n), it will he fine. It can't be-" "No! It's horrible! I'm not sure who is going to kill me first, but I'm definitely dead!" He shouted over me, and actually pushed away. Now it was time to be concerned.

Just what the fuck is going on here?

Jimin dances around Namjoon making the tension in the room thicker as everyone observes. The small act of chaos completely shifting everyone's mood. The Maknaes smile was evil, and he seemed like he was cheering in some kind of victory. "So Hyung..."  Jimin started, "I don't usually kiss and tell."

Excuse me, what?

The room seemed to have lost all air as (Y/n) covered his face, and balled himself up on the floor. "But someone told me that they asked what kind of porn you're into, and you gave them a list." Jimin delivered a verbal blow that knocked the wind out of Namjoon and (Y/n) all at once. The members faces seemed highly conflicted. In my case I wasn't sure to be pissed that Jimin mentioned kissing, or to laugh my ass off because that's what those two were hiding all along.

All this over porn?

I'm not sure what to do with them anymore.

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