Chapter 10

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{A/n} this chapter will be partially in text format because creating the screenshots just takes up more writing time


                    1 New Message

Christmas Guy: Hi there

                 You: Hi! How are you?

Christmas Guy: I'm alright. Sorry I didn't get back to you after the holiday (⌒_⌒;)

                                You: That's okay.
                                 People get busy

Christmas Guy: True

                                 You: So how was                               the holiday for you?

Christmas Guy: It went well.
How was yours?

                           You:It was fun(⌒‿⌒)

Christmas Guy: Could I call?

                           You: Um yeah, sure.

Tapping your finger against the side of your phone, you wait patiently for it to ring. It was nearly 3 in the morning, but you didn't really care. You were, in all bluntness of the word, excited for him to call. The dorm was empty causing the idea to feel a bit more thrilling.

Was this scandalous? You weren't exactly an idol yet, but here you were waiting for a phone call from a man you met outside of the public eye. A man not even your hyungs know about. There were no romantic endeavours about it yet you recognised how alluring his voice could be. Though you don't recall ever seeing his face there was a part of you that felt he was so familiar and enticing.

The same part of you that acts childish towards Seokjin when instead you want to soak in all his beauty. It's like a second personality that keeps you restrained from acting a complete fool.

But you were still pretty foolish.

A soft vibration stole your attention as a smile crept to your face. Flashing across your screen, the awaited call came to be.  You slide the green answer icon and bring the phone to your ear.

A deep, velvet like voice chuckled softly on the other side. "You answered faster than I expected," the man said in almost in a whisper. Nervously you fidget and try to find a reply.

To no avail, you carelessly stumble out nonsense. His laughter was almost childlike as he listened to you with utter amusement. "I-I, uh, I have to speak a little quietly. My hyungs and I share a room. They need their sleep," you murmur awkwardly. "Oh? I hope im not distrubing you." You immediately denied it trying your best to be smooth about it though you started rumbling nonsense. At some point though you managed to get the ball rolling with idle chatter. Conversating about simple things like hobbies, and favorite foods. Just taking the time to get to know each other.

"So, what do you do for work?" You asked this so casually not thinking about him asking it in return. The line was quiet for a moment as the man seemed to be thinking more or less.

"Well, I guess you could say I'm a miracle worker," he finally spoke causing you to scrunch your brow. "How so?" He clicked his tongue, him now stuttering and trying to think of what to say.  "I have a special job. I travel around the world with my best friends, and we do our best to show hope to the world. To teach people what love is," he explained to the best of his ability as you listened silently. A smile softly crept to your face as he went further into describing what he and his friends do. You were amazed. They seemed so wonderful trying to spread so much kindness into the world.

Inside you genuinely hoped that you'd be able to do that once you debut. To show people that love is well deserved by themselves and others. To teach them that people like you aren't so different at all. "I wish I could do something like that," you spoke honestly once he had finished. "Well, what do you do?"

"I guess you could say I work in business that promotes cultural awareness," this statement rolled off your tongue easily. Seok thought it would be the perfect way to still make friends as trainees and not let anything slip about what we do at the company. "A little thing like you? In business? I'm baffled," he exaggerates his surprise with a small gasp as you giggle at him. You felt so comfortable talking with this man. "I'm not that small!"

"Oh, yes you are, Little bird. It's adorable," his smooth voice bellowed out and your face went flush. "The name's (Y/n)..." You hadn't realize until then that neither of you knew the others name this far along. "Call me Tae Tae," he said cutely in a voice you almost didn't recognize. Your eyes wander around your small apartment full of your hyungs beds. They were all empty, you weren't very sure when they had gotten up. This causes you to look at the time. It was almost 6, the boys must be headed down stairs to go to work. You needed to get ready for the day yourself and join them.

Sadly, you pouted and sighed into the receiver alarming Tae. "Something wrong?" You whined and groaned before telling him you had work soon. He chuckled in response as you stood walked to the bathroom. "I won't keep you, but text me when you're available." You agreed, silently saying your goodbyes and finally ending the call.

You felt something like electricity go through your body. You hadn't felt bad in a while, dysphoric yes but not to a breaking point bad like before. Now you were making friends. Tae, your hyungs, and somehow Kim Seokjin himself were all here supporting you some how even if they didn't know it. You were feeling better. You just might actually feel great.

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