Chapter 17

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Namjoon pov

Two weeks. That's how long it's been with Hoseok has been mumbling to himself. That's how many days it's been since Taehyung has been over energized. Both of them have been acting so weird, and I'm just  detached from what's happening anymore. You would think as a leader I would know what's up, but I don't. It's like they all are casually dipping into new people I don't recognize, and I can't explain any further than that.

"Namjoon, he's doing it again," Jimin sighed to me from across the aisle. Our plane ride was only about 20 minutes in but there was V, giggling to himself like a school girl. "Oh? You think you have it bad? Jin won't stop laughing at his phone and I'm trying to sleep!" Yoongi groaned from in front of me. These conversations were becoming a regular, and the other guys don't seem to notice us at all. My eyes shift over to Hoseok who was curled up next me in his seat. He has head phones in, and didn't seem to be in a good mood again. As a leader, I was lost and as a brother I was confused. These three have been acting so strangely, and I don't understand a single bit of it.

The plane sputtered for a moment, rumbling quickly causing me to jump a little before realizing it was some minor turbulence. The seat in front of me though, a loud yelp came followed by a frustrated groan. Yoongi stepped into the aisle and gave me a dead pan look. "Joon, switch with me. Please do me this favor," I couldn't argue so i scurry to my feet and take my new seat next to Jin. His eyes were glued to his phone I wasn't sure what to do so I decided ro strike up conversation. "Excited for home?" He nodded, but his eyes never left the screen. It was like this almost the entire ride. At some point his phone started ringing, an incoming FaceTime call from 'Fav trainee'. With a huge smile on his face he answered. I wasn't even aware he was talking to any of the trainees. But again, no one was telling me what was up lately.

"Stupid Hyung," the person on the phone said immediately causing me to look over. A small boy with round cheeks and (h/c) locks smiled at Jin in an adoring way, complete contrast to his greeting. "How's my favorite boy?" Jin chuckled back. "You know for a fact I'm not your favorite. It's probably Namjoon."

The phone suddenly tilted my direction, and I was face to face with the young boy my hyung was speaking to. "You mean this Namjoon?" The boy looked like he about choked as he bowed quickly. "I-I'm sorry to referring to you so casually," before I had the chance to reply Jin pulled the phone back. But it didn't end there, because Jeongguk was now next to me in the aisle. "Are you on the phone with the Angel?" He asked grabbing Jin's phone and talking up a storm.

Taehyung slipped beside him and the two casually stood on the plane talking to whoever this guy was. "Yeah, we are on our way back to Korea now. Do you want to meet us at the airport and then we can do something?"

"Can't. Sorry guys, Bang PD wants rehearsing. Not to mention you guys have work to do when you get back, and you know it."

"But I want to see you," Taehyung basically whined as Jin finally snatched his phone back. "I'll be seeing you at the company party this weekend, and I believe you guys are supposed to attend LS's visionary board meeting anyway." That's when it kinda clicked. This kid was a part of the experimental group, rarely talked about but we all knew it existed. We actually had received word that starting next week that we'd be mentoring members. It was nice to know everyone was getting along already, but it seemed kinda risky.

"(Y/n) are you going to be my date?" Jin asked before giving the younger a wink. (Y/n) didn't have much time to respond before Taehyung objected on his way back to his actual seat. "He's my date Hyung!"

"I was actually going to ask him," Hoseok's voiced peeped up from behind me and knocked me into more confusion. "Guys, I already have a date. Sorry~" (Y/n) sounded awkward as his image shifted out if view of the camera, the guys all groaning or asking who the date was. "Seok Hyung asked me already, and as his band mate I said yes."

Jin didn't say anything, he just hung up the phone. "Hyung?" I asked him as he scrolled through his other contacts and called someone else. A pale boy with soft freckles on his face answered the call, and threw up a peace sign as a greeting. His backdrop was dark and full of computer monitors. It looked like an at home studio. "Seok, I have a question for you," Jin said bluntly. The other hummed in response, his eyes trained on something else in the background. "Since when is (Y/n) your date to the party?" It wasn't Jin who asked, but Hoseok who was snow leaning over our seats. "As 3seok we should be talking about things like this," he added before the guy on the screen halted what he was doing. "Hyungs, I know (Y/n) is like a cute harem boy, but I'm not interested so if you want to confess your undying love I'm not a threat."

And that's when everything

went bat shit crazy in the sky.

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