Chapter 35

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Tour has been stressful. Though it's almost over, it feels like years since we've had a break. In all honesty it amazes me how little I've managed to break down. With the boys around everything has been so overwhelming, but they always manage to keep me on track. I will always love that about them. Emotionally, I'm never going to be calm again and I blame their actions towards me during all of this.

Kiss me like you mean it.

Fanfiction is definitely a thing of the past for me these days. Daejung, and I decided that once we are back in Korea we are going out to drink like our lives depend on it. Speaking of Korea, I've been wondering how the rest of the Little Sinners have been doing. I haven't spoken to either Seok, or Luka lately other than casual group chat messages. It was a shame we haven't discussed how things were going.

I stretch my arms above my head while releasing an exaggerated sigh, "I miss my boys." This caught Sin's attention quickly, and he nodded in agreement. It was early morning as Bangtan prepared for another guest starring on some american night show. The prep for performance, and meeting with stylists for outfit decisions weren't really things me and Daejung needed to attend so we stayed behind in our hotel room.

"(Y/n), could I talk to you about something?"

My eyes drift to Daejung as he picks at his bed covers. He seemed nervous. I turn my own body over along my bed to give him my full attention without a word. Daejung released a sigh before he asked me a pretty odd question.

"Do you like anyone?"

"What do you mean?" I confused by the random topic in so many ways. I never really thought of anyone in anyway. I liked everyone platonically unless they gave me a reason not to. So why ask me something so obvious.

"Do you like anyone? Do you have romantic feelings for someone currently?" By the look on his face, Daejung didn't seem too comfortable asking me a question like that. But he was definitely being serious.

"No?" I wasn't sure how to answer that myself with a lot of the stuff going on recently.  There's been moments where I question if people around me have feelings in my favor. Other times my mind is on a professional level where I don't even notice certain behaviors that might indicate as such.

In other words, I'm dense. Feelings of my own don't even seem to phase me, so naturally I can't tell what's going on with others.

"I see... Are you sure?" Our eyes meet, but weirdly enough i can tell he has more to say. "Why are you asking me so many questions?" I couldn't think of anything else to say as he lays down quietly.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't like you that way (Y/n). I just keep seeing weird stuff, and I was wondering if maybe you have someone special who doesn't know it yet."

Daejung's tone was so soft, and sweet. It was like a gentle lullaby that I never heard before. I know he was only talking, but it was soothing as he continued.

"Seok, and I were talking about it the other day, and he seems to think that something big is coming."

"Yeah, our debut after all of this tour stuff is over."

"No. It's like there's a storm coming, and somehow... you're the eye of the hurricane (Y/n)."

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