Chapter 28

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{A/n} Just putting it out there that yes vlives did happen around these times and what not, but I might not include them.

Yoongi pov

I wasn't up for some silly party game. But I decided to join anyway. A little fun never did any harm, and everyone looked so excited that I just couldn't say no. When we got to the hotel we quickly shuffled on to the elevator like sardines. It was as if we were just desperate to play.


I don't get it myself, I was just following along. But the rush seemed to consume us. Without even realizing it we had already piled into the hotel room. The other guys were goofing off in childish excitement while I took a seat at the room's desk. "How shall we start?" Jeongguk questioned with a wide smile, and Daejung raised a hand to answer him. His other hand slipped onto the hotel phone before quickly dialling out. "Is there a chance I could get service from the bar to my room?" Jimin and ,(Y/n) threw their hands in agreement to the idea, and the rest of us silently chuckled.

It really was going to be a fun night.

A few shots and a round of beers later, we gathered in a circle for the well awaited game. The first to spin the bottle being Jin Hyung only for it to land on one of our hosts. "Little (Y/n)," the man eldest cooed. The younger furrowed his brows with an unsatisfied pout. "What, Stupid Hyung?"  I let out a laugh at his remark before taking another swig of my beer. "Truth or Dare?" Jin sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation. My eyes find (Y/n) who ponders his decision, a small 'Truth' slipping from his lips. The room shifted to little whispers, giving Jin ideas or hyping up the moment much more than necessary. Only for Hyung to ask the most basic question possible with us in this kind of atmosphere. "Did you have a bias in BTS? Before working with us I mean," awkward in itself it wasn't the worst question. But the room did seem to tense. All eyes were on (Y/n), no one daring to miss his answer.

"No. I was an army, sure but I didn't drool any of you guys individually." (Y/n) shrugged with his ears slowly tinting red. To this a good amount of Bangtan let out a groan or laughed somewhat bitterly.  Probably not pleased with the answer as they've all been fancying him lately. The moment didn't last long though before (Y/n) spun the bottle to move the game along. For the next couple rounds the dares were small, the truths weren't too risky but the bottle seemed to avoid me. Not that I was complaining as I watched the foolishness around me. The air was comfortable, natural as if we had done this a million times before. I became accustom to our hosts laughter and joyous attitudes as the early morning slipped through the windows.

"Sunbae-nim... Yoongi Sunbae?" I look over to (Y/n), who was suddenly very close. Just a few inches away with his hand around my drink. His face was pink, lips glossed and and eyelids droopy. It was almost alluring, but I kept a sound mind watching him pull away. "So you are awake. Um, I didn't want this to spill." He returns to his seat slightly flustered, and I give him a nod. Now that I think about it, I didn't know much about him. The only things I do know are that he is a trainee, or that he has decent friendships within Bangtan. (Y/n) was someone who seemed to catch everyone's attention. Though he didn't realize it himself. He reminded of Min Holly in a way. Small, fragile and adorable but a fun bundle of energy. I can't help, but find it pleasing. "It's your turn Suga Hyung," Jeongguk gestures to the bottle still clad in the middle of the circle. First time for everything I suppose. I gently take the bottle in hand, flicking my wrist for the object to spin. We all patiently waited for the next prey of the drinks nozzle. When it finally stopped a very tipsy (Y/n) chuckled awkwardly. "Truth or Dare?" I ask adjusting my seat. "Tru-" "You've done one dare this whole game Little bell." The boy was cut off by Taehyung who was entirely sober, but very much tired. His body sprawled onto Jimin's as he pointed at the younger. "No, it's fine. I have a question anyway." Eyes land on me while I muster up something I've actually wondered for a while. But I haven't really felt the need to ask. "At the party... You pulled Namjoon aside to talk. What was that about?"


Not a single word.

And then,

"I was a bit wasted, and um... Sunbae-nim, help..."

Namjoon stuttered, completely unable to come up with an answer for me. The others were about as baffled as I was. They could've lied to me, could've made up any excuse but here they were fumbling to find the words. I didn't think it would be the serious. "What did you gu-" at the same time several phone alarms went off. Time to get ready for work.

Do I have to choose? (BTS x Ftm Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα