Chapter 26

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"Dude, that's it. You're taking my phone number. Once you leave I'll be bored again," Amelie gestured at my phone which I slid to her without argument. "Alright, my number and email are both in your contacts. Do not forget about me." I laugh at her slightly hyperactive demand while taking my phone back. She's been a lot of fun to talk to, but we both needed to prepare for Rose Bowl so we said our 'good-bye'. Then off to the bots rooms I went.

Staff were already rushing about, and it was just barely passed dawn. Making sure the boys were up, and then checking the time restlessly. I wasn't too surprised though. Then everything started to happen in fast forward. We were in the vans, then we were at the stadium, and then we were letting in fans for sound check. It all blurred by too quickly to function. It felt like hours yet, it fled away like minutes or even seconds. The only moment I can honestly remember between all of that, and now is when we were pulling towards the stadium. Outside the merch booths were probably hundreds of Army already lined up. First thing in morning. Groups doing dances, and others talking about how long they've waited for this. And it was only soundcheck. It made me happy. These boys were making a difference everywhere, no matter how small of an action they took. It was so monumental to see. But as much as I wanted to hop in the crowd and have fun too, I couldn't. I'm not just a fan anymore, I'm a co-worker.

Behind the stage was a small annex area built especially for stylists and make up artists to duck out, and watch the show just outside of the changing area. This is where me and Daejung were going to be during the concert. We had the option of squeezing in with the front row crowd, but we didn't want to inconvenience anyone. From there the set up consisted of a tech only stand, a prop bay that took up most of center backstage and a small break room like area ready with medical aid. Other than that it was just the the stage and every single seat that filled the stadium. Amazingly enough for such a big venue there just never seemed to be enough room for anything. Not even between Vmin who were running around being knuckle heads already. Gotta love that.

"(Y/n), come check this out," Hoseok grabbed my hand and started dragging me away from the tech area. "You are supposed to be getting your mic ready, what are you doing?" He ignored my question as he continued to pull me with him. I decided it was better not to question it anymore. I just let him take me wherever the hell he wanted at the moment. "Okay, look!" Hoseok hugs my shoulders from behind and points out to where staff are. In front of them laid a semi-inflated bouncey house. I couldn't help, but laugh when I saw it. "Please, and I mean please tell me you guys brought that for Yoongi," I asked in pure amazement. He only shrugged against me lamely before resting his head on the back of my own. The moment was natural and pretty great until a Namjoon yelled for Hoseok.

"Ew, work." He groaned as he detached from me. "Oh shut up, you love your job more than anything." I spat as I turned on my heel to head back towards the stylist area. Hoseok smiled brightly with a friendly chuckle before waving me off. "Yeah. You're right."

The atmosphere in the stadium was great as the boys went on to practice. It was fun to watch all the magic from the side lines. I would've never thought so, but I was having a blast. Daejung on the other hand was on the phone with Luka, and Seok talking about work. I couldn't blame him very much though. We've known each other for over a year, have been together as a group for about six months and we only had so long until we'd be thrown to the world.

"Why not try a little less synth, and then add during the mid-drop take away everything but the bass?" I took a seat beside Sin as he spoke. He was always coming up with some crazy way for these songs to work in our favor before attempting to add raw vocal. It was actually really amazing. From the small speaker of the phone I hear a mumbles from Seok who seemed utterly confused before another voice that wasn't Luka cuts in. It must've been another producer they were working with. "So, you want more of a sudden drop? But leave the bass in, right?" "Exactly, right on target." After a few moments of silence a recognizable beat slowly played out. This song in particular had been rendered and changed so many times that after a while we almost lost faith in it. But when the drop came I was amazed. It sounded so good. "Now slowly, add on some piano from there. Bring back the original sounds from first verse and see how you feel about it, okay? I have to go." Sin hangs up the phone and leans back in his seat.

He looked absolutely exhausted from just one phone call. His head drops back, and his eyes close. It almost looked as if he'd gone to sleep. "Take a picture it will last longer," Sin opened one of his eyes to look at me before sitting back up. "You look really tired. Are you okay?" I had to ask because now that he was facing me, dark circles we're heavy and evident. "I'm okay, but I am tired. I didn't sleep on our flight, and I definitely didn't sleep last night. I've been working on lyrics and working with Seok." That made sense, it's not like I got much sleep either but I didn't spend the whole night working so I had to give it to him. Daejung really was a dedicated leader, I don't think we could've chose any better.

"I'm proud of you. And I'm happy you haven't thrown away 'Dooms Day', that song is practically your baby." He started to laugh, a little over dramatically but it was sweet to see. "That's because she is my baby, and I actually refuse to. If Hughes or Bang PD ever told me to scrap her, I might actually quit." I guess it was my turn to laugh a bit. Everything we've been through together makes moments like these a lot more for than they need to be.

But this is only the beginning. My eyes shift over to the monitor that should Bangtan running around on stage, and I couldn't help but smile. I hoped the Little Sinners we're going to be just as happy with each other.

"That will be us one day, don't worry." Daejung hugged my side and watched the screen with me. "Yeah, one day."

{A/n} I have? Some of the best?  Readers? Ever? There's a certain group of user names I always see in my notifications and I want to say I really love you guys

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{A/n} I have? Some of the best?  Readers? Ever?
There's a certain group of user names I always see in my notifications and I want to say I really love you guys. I wake up, or go to sleep seeing your comments or your super active asses reading and I just-
What would I do without you guys?

Do I have to choose? (BTS x Ftm Reader)Where stories live. Discover now