Chapter 16

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Jeongguk pov

I walk into Tae's room to see what he was up to just as he ended a call. His boxy smile apparent and stunning as always, complimented by burning cheeks. It didn't last long before his composure basically shattered and he fled into a state of panic. Clothes covered the floor, and an almost blurred image of Taehyung ran around the room in a buzzing hurry. I wasn't really sure why Taehyung was freaking out so much until he made another phone call. He was basically panting as he talked about this date he's going on. "He doesn't know who I am.." Now that bothered me. 

But what puzzled me most is that he said the angel's name. I look over at my hyung who is repeatedly trying to check if Hobi hyung was still on the line before taking his phone away, and hanging it up. "(Y/n)? Since when do you know a (Y/n)?" His eyes sparked with something I didn't exactly recognize before he spoke. "Christmas eve, I went out to get somethings for dinner," I recalled that happening as he continued on. "While I was at the store I met someone. He is adorable, he gets me just about as well as you or any of the Hyungs do. We've been texting buddies for months now, and I want to meet him again." If it's the same (Y/n) they could've met at almost anytime. So this just confused me further, it was a pretty unique name. But brushing that thought aside I tried my hardest to help the older relax before he left.

I walk Taehyung to the door before giving him a final thumbs up. His back becomes smaller in my view as I close the door, and pad my way to the kitchen. "Ah, hi Kookie," Jin sat at the counter chewing on a pastry and sipping on tea. He looked like he was in a very good mood, in complete contrast to Tae who had just left. "Hyung, can I ask you something?" He only hummed in response to me as he savored the sweet treat consuming his attention. "(Y/n) is a pretty... uncommon name, right?" Jin's eyes shift to me before he swallows almost a bit harshly. "Yeah, a bit. Why do you ask?" Just when I go to answer the door slams open quite loudly revealing Hoseok. He looked confused, deep in thought and overall irritated. None of us said anything further as Hoseok took a seat at the counter as well. We knew better not to, at times like these it's better to offer support in silence in case we say the wrong thing. 

The silence was like a deafening agony before a voice finally spoke up. "Where's Taehyung?" Hoseok practically muttered in disgust which confused me even more. "Check the app, his phone should tell you." We all had a family tracking app on the off chance one of us becomes lost while on tour or gets horded by fans. With a grimace he reached into his pocket and unlocked his phone. He tapped a few things before his teeth clenched tightly, his jaw looked ready to pop. 


Taehyung pov

"Well this can't be right..." I look up to see BigHit's office building. Maybe I put in the wrong address, or hit the wrong button. I read over the text messages once more, but the address is definitely correct. Confused I take the employee back entrance to the underground parking lot as directed or just as always. Coming to the security blockade, I fumble my employee card out of my wallet to swipe in. I knew he said to text or call him once I arrived so he could let me in, but this seemed easier. I realize now that he definitely works here if he got in, and he didn't just give a random location to meet me. This only excited me more At the end of the lot sits an elevator with a small figure with (h/c) locks kicking at the pavement. I was shocked, there he was waiting for me. He looked absolutely stunning in the striped and floral shirt paired with black jeans and white sneakers. The mask he wore also black, making the flowers along his arms pop even more in color. I couldn't pull my eyes away.

When I finally decided staring wasn't getting me anywhere I honked my car horn. (Y/n)'s head shoots up and looks around for what vehicle could've possibly startled him. It was cute, but I did need his attention. I roll my window down, and casually wave him down. He looks confused, his head tilting like a curious puppy before trotting up to the car. My mask hid the large smile that crept on my features as he seemed to realize what I was doing there. "Tae Tae?" I nod, and raise a hand to my mask before slowly revealing my face tot he boy. This is it, you got this. 

"I couldn't wait to see you, Little bird."

His eyes went wide, he was definitely shocked but for some reason he started to smile. That smile could take my breath away. "This is like the fanfics, except we didn't fall in love or something," he laughed before skipping over to the passengers side. That stung a bit, I had to admit as he buckled his seat belt and adjusted into his seat. "To think you worked here too, this whole time?" (Y/n) hummed a cute 'Yes' before playing with his fingers, obviously nervous as I was. I couldn't help, but smile though. He didn't freak out, he didn't get mad or start acting like a crazy fan. He was just being (Y/n).

"You know Tae, we've met before all of this. A couple times actually," the car ride had been silent before he struck up the nerve to talk. "Oh really?"  I felt kind of bad for not remembering. How could I forget such a precious face? I must've been out of my mind. "At a fan meet a few years ago. You're actually the one word encouraged me to apply at BigHit." I thought about it for a moment. I always try to remember fans, always. Then it dawned on me, slowly a memory of a boy wearing a mask with (e/c) orbs came to mind. He held out a notebook to me, stammering out a sudden confession of wanting to be an idol. My eyes shift over to (Y/n) who was looking out the car window with a sweet smile on his face. "Then another time, when I was stupidly drunk and fell into Jin Hyung."

Hyung? Since when are they close enough to....wait a second.

"You hang out with Jin Hyung?" Another thought came to mind. A long time ago Jin refused to come home because of a trainee. He's been sneaking out on our off days to see someone as well. He said it was just from friends from college, but me and the rest of the Maknae line thought otherwise. Then he started smiling at his phone a lot. I thought he was going crazy honestly. But Hoseok was doing the same thing. I just thought it was their new friend Seok they mentioned having a funny group chat name with. My mind was slowly jumbling with random memories of my hyungs being giddy these days. It made sense, but didn't.

"Taehyung, look out!" (Y/n) grabbed the steering wheel and used his other hand to shove my knee down, manually forcing me to brake. with a loud tire screech, the car jolted to a stop. In front of us a stop light shining brightly and the intersection's other oncoming traffic going passed us. I was too wrapped up in my own head to notice the light change. "Are you okay? Tae should I drive? We don't need to go anywhere if you're tired," (Y/n) held my face, his eyes roaming my features. My heart fluttered, the thought of him being too close and the fear that we both could've been seriously hurt just now burned into me. "Seriously, we can forget about the whole date thing. You should go home, and rest. You've been on tour and just so overwhelmed lately."

His eyes were pleading, and he was so close. Then and there I knew that my growing feelings were sincere. Because if I didn't force myself to look away and start driving again, I might've kissed him.

From there the night went perfectly. We had dinner, and went for a walk along the river. I even managed to snap a few pictures of him while we were out. He was so photogenic, I couldn't help myself even when he covered his face to hide from me. But when it was time to take him back home I was pretty bummed.  "Well... This is my stop," (Y/n) sighed out as we pulled up to a small apartment building. It reminded me of my trainee days. A cramped room full of all Bangtan. It probably wasn't as crowded though. "Thank you for tonight. I had a lot of fun," his hand grasped the car door as he looked back at me. I smiled and nodded reassuringly, "No problem my little bird. I hope we can do this again soon."

Something soft touches my cheek, almost startling me as the scent of something sweet pulls away my focus. (Y/n) leans back with red caressing his cheeks. He kissed me.

He kissed me. My cheek, but still me!

I didn't have time to react outwardly because he scrambled out of the car, and dashed for the building without another word. I watched his figure disappear into the front entrance and chuckled at his bashfulness. Once he was definitely out of sight, I jump in my seat and yell in pure satisfaction. Earlier's thoughts gone, and the least of my concern as I make my way back home.

{A/n} Hey guys, sorry that my writing has gone to crap. A while ago I was told my story was boring because I put too much detail no one cares about. So i'm trying really hard to calm down how much I write and let you can enjoy the story. But personally I feel like it looks weird. That's just me though, so ehhhh. I hope everyone is having a lovely week. 

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