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I guess this is why in my situation the first time has to be the charm. Still couldn't believe it, after months of planning and thinking and decision making for today and knowing no one was ever there at that time...that I got stopped. I mean, I really could, not believe it though. Someone actually cared whether or not he died...and that just seemed foreign still. I kind of expect it all to be just a dream or a prank but it isn't. Cause Saihara had insisted on becoming my friend.


"Great......well now that we have introduced I am not good in social you want to hang out?" Saihara said and I looked at him confused "wh-what...are you...being serious?" and Saihara looked at him "well I can't exactly leave you alone after know" and I looked down at the ground embarrassed "hey, don't get embarrassed on me now, I'm just trying to make sure your...ok" I shook him off me "you shouldn't....." and Saihara asked "come on, it's not going to kill me" clever use of words Saihara.... I shrugged "I'm not exactly....liked..." and he shook his head "so don't care, I....I guess I will see you at school, tomorrow though....right?" I DON'T know why but I gave him a nervous smile "yeah..."


I practically ran through the halls to make it to class on time. Most days I would even really bother trying to get to school to time, unless Raeden wanted me to give him my homework assignments so I usually got in trouble and they threatened to call my parents. And if I am going to die it's not going to be them that does it...already made up my mind a long time ago about that...I really am pretty nervous.
For some reason school had a more of 'it's going to be fine 'vibe. was weird for once knowing someone actually wanted to see me there. Whatever the teacher had taught went over my head as the bell rang for lunch. Me and Saihara didn't talk about where we would even meet so I ended up deciding to go to the area where...well it would be hard to forget where it happened. Can't believe that I actually will get to hang out with someone...even if they're probably doing it out of pity. That's all it is though...pity for the kid they happened to watch almost die...I don't think I'm as excited anymore...

"Ouma Kun! Sorry for being late, I didn't know where we would meet up" Saihara came running up exhausted "this is why you don't binge watch your favorite show...on a school night" he said taking out his bento box, I didn't get anything for lunch my parents said it was a waste of money...not that they buy a lot of food in general, and I felt myself blush. What the heck is wrong with you? Say something! Even if it's can I be alone! "Ouma? Did something happen...?" And I shook my head "I...diddon't expect you to come...that's all" And Saihara smiles "well, of course, I would, I only moved to this town about a month ago so it's nice getting to meet new people" and I grimly added "then you should stop talking to me..."

He looked at me curiously "why?" And I stared down at my hands "I'm not exactly...'liked' around here...they kind of treat me like a parasite if you hang out with me...they will stop talking to you..." and Saihara took a second to process this. 

It grew silent between us till my stomach rudely broke the tension, not that my eyes probably didn't betray me when I sneaked glances at his food. I hadn't eaten since...I don't remember. Saihara laughing broke the silence further and I felt myself blush even harder as I looked away "want some? I see you didn't bring your own, how come?" Oh gosh, I don't want him to make him have to spend more time with me...and at the same time, I am really hungry... "I forgot my lunch," I said with an exasperated expression. Saihara nodded "oh, I'll share some with you" and my eyes nearly widened he couldn't tell I was lying? I thought it sounded so obvious...

"Yeah, I do want to hang out with you, I mean you seem pretty cool...I wouldn't mind getting to know you" I felt myself just starting when I said "really?" And they nodded "why wouldn't I? I mean some of the other guys are kind of...well they don't seem like good people, it's kind of a relief to meet someone who doesn't fall under the stereotypical teenager" yeah...I don't think I'm normal...but that's a bad thing.

It felt weird and eventually, I and Saihara started talking mostly about anime's we watched, though I haven't really seen many, and he asked me things about myself and I lied when convincing just to test to see if he could tell...and surprisingly he never could tell. Maybe it was because he doesn't really know me enough but it was still weird to me. I never really gave much thought to how much I lied before this. I guess it's like playing an instrument, the more you do it the better you get...maybe that's why I get away with a lot with the teachers.

Is this actually something I should be proud of though? I mean...I still can't believe all these things are happening. I mean for once someone wants to talk to me, or at least isn't admitting they might not want to. I don't remember the last time I laughed so much...not since...well...I don't want to think about it right now.

Saihara handed me some of his bento and I slowly ate it trying my best not to show how much I was tempted to scarf it all down at once. I then heard the laughter that wasn't Saihara "look the dwarf actually managed to make someone hang out with them!" Him...da** it! Of all the times!

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