The Lie That Changed The World

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I winced from the sun as I crawled out from the Juvenile Academy. Did we make it?

People were surronding the area as I looked over at Yumeno and Maki who looked just as confused as me but a tint of excitement to finally be out as the paparazzi surronded us.

"Look it's the survivors!" All of a sudden I had a bunch of people asking me for a picture and my autograph as I struggled to get through the crowd and find Yumeno and Maki who I had already lost.

All of a sudden a short girl with straight hair grabbed me by the ear and dragged me away from the crowd where there were a couple of other teens. They all were wearing clown masks.

Wait is this DICE?-!

All of a sudden the same girl sucker punched me to the ground "YOU A**! YOU B*STARD! WHY DID YOU DRAG HIM IN WITH YOU! WHY DID YOU YOU LET HIM DIE? YOU PIECE OF SCUM!"  I covered my head as two other people restrained her from continuing.

"A-are you Ouma's friends?" I asked and the group just stayed silent, "I'm sorry...I don't understand what your talking about though, have we met before?"

"Riko he doesn't even remember so take it easy.....yeah you know us...or knew I guess" a girl with pigtails "he still murdered him" the girl sighed and got down to my level.

"We weren't that close with you but we all went to the same school" my eyes widened "I-I knew Ouma before the killing game" she nodded "you don't even you...?" I shook my head.

"We had to guess for ourselves so it might not be 100% accurate...but Ouma entered the killing save you" I felt my eyes widen as guilt washed over me.

"I'm so sorry...." she sighed "it's aren't the same person as you were before...I could tell when you were on the show....he wasn't the same person either"

"I recognize you from his motive video, are you DICE? And aren't there ten members?" She nodded "we got that picture taken on Halloween...and some of us.....died. you guys were comatosed for three years you know that right? Before they used you in the show" my eyes widened. I was there for three years...?

"But yeah...we only have six members now....two of them died before you left...and the other two died of cancer and hearts disease..." I looked down in shame.

"I'm sorry for your loss" she sighed "it's weird...but I am happy to know at least he managed to help people...when I first saw him I thought everything about him was gone...that the game twisted my best friend into a monster...still...Im glad that wasn't the case...and that the game made you a better person, but I don't think any of us can forgive you though...i'm sorry..." she then left with other members trailing behind her as I just got up.

I don't know where I went but I ended up walking around the town trying not to be recognized as memories of my past life flooded me.

The ones of Ouma came though when I arrived at a school building as I found myself walking up the stairs of that building to the roof. I looked over the ledge remembering I had saved Ouma's life here before.

"Don't you dare" my eyes widened as I turned around looking for the source of the voice. I could hear him...I know I did....

"You better go live a long fullfilled life for the rest of them" I nodded to nothing but I could feel his presence. Or maybe it was my imagination as I turned away from the rooftop.


Bye Saihara Chan. I smiled as I watched him walking down the stairs sadly. I'll wait for you when your time runs out. So you can tell me about everything you did.

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