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I walked behind Saihara who looked pretty excited, his house looked average looking but way better than mine. He fumbled with his keys before opening the door "so the actual finale doesn't start for another ten minutes, what do you want to do?" I shrugged "anything really..." and he seemed to think a minute before responding "how about twenty questions?" I nodded as I sat down in one of the chairs nearby and he did the same.

"I'll go first, hmm...what's your favorite anime?" He asked and I responded "I don't watch much anime so..." he made an oh sound when I asked "um..." come on Ouma ask anything! "What do you want to do when we are out of school...?" Saihara seemed to think about it "no lie...I haven't actually given it much thought, well I got one thing in mind but it won't b for when I grow up so it doesn't count" I raised an eyebrow when he added "you already asked it's my turn, um...do you have any siblings?" My eyes widened and I felt tears surfacing.

-10 years ago-

"Isamu!" I ran up towards my brother his avocado colored hair was everywhere as he seemed to smile till he looked at me with concern "Kokichi where did you get those injuries?" I looked down "I tripped..." he seemed to grit his teeth and he picked me up "tell the truth" and I mumbled "Dad got mad at me again..." and his eyes seemed to burn in fury. I responded "but now that your home it's awesome!" He walked into the house and seemed to glare at our Dad before heading to our room "are...you mad at me to?" I asked him and he quickly shook his head.

"No...I'm not mad at you" He set me down on my bed and left only to bring back a first aid kit, "you better not try to cover up what they do to you when I'm not home, got it?" I felt myself crying "but he told me to..." And Isamu looked at me in the eye "well Dad is a-" he seemed to stop himself "bad...person" and I noticed he kept glancing at the door as he bandaged me up. I heard Dad call "Isamu...get your freaking a** over here...your late...he's here to pick you up" Isamu's eyes widened and he seemed to shake a bit as he got up and closed the door to our room.

I heard him call again as Isamu glanced at me "get in the closet" and I did it without question peeking a bit as our Dad stormed in and hit Isamu with a bottle. He looked annoyed as Isamu shot him a glare "get your freaking a** over there you little brat!" as he grabbed onto Isamu's arm and Isamu shouted "as if I'm going to listen or be someone's toy for a jacka** like you!" And Dad didn't seem to like that as I looked away trying my best not to cry.

The next few minutes were full of bad words, screaming, and I eventually I heard someone storm out and apologize to someone when I heard someone close the door and push something in front of it. The closet door opened a bit "you can come out now" I walked out slowly Isamu was leaning against his bed fumbling with the first aid. His arm had the shattered remains of the beer bottle imbedded into his skin along with what seemed to be a black eye forming and cuts probably from the shattered remains that were bleeding and bruises around his neck area and general body.

"Are you ok?" I asked he nodded with what looked like a painful smile "yup I won this round" I raised an eyebrow "you don't say any of those...bad words at school you got that?" I nodded and he smiled messing with my hair as he glanced at the door more.

-7 years ago-

"So just because I'm done with your sh** you think you can harass and make Kokichi do it?!" Isamu voice screeched throughout the house as I sat on my bed shaking "Well how else do you think the bills get paid around here? And how dare you speak that way to your father!" Mom screeched as I heard dishes or who knows smashing, probably against Isamu "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO TO ME YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LET PEOPLE PAY YOU SO THEY CAN BEAT THE SH** AND FREAKING RAPE KOKICHI! IVE HAD ENOUGH WITH YOUR BULLSH**!" more noises filled the room.

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