For Them

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The second I got back into my bedroom I made sure I was out of the camera's visions and began crying into my pillow.

I can't believe I did that...I can't believe what I did...I am a monster... I didn't want to do it that way...why...why couldn't I have died then to? I probably deserved punishment more than him anyway. Oh yeah now I know why...cause I am the only one that knows what the heck is going on around here.

I gritted my teeth and glanced down at where my recent operation had been. I didn't even know if what I was thinking was right...but still....I have to try and stop the game. I mean a game where everyone commits suicide at the end or just sad around depressed will stop them from liking this right?

I hope so....I hope I can manage to keep the act on long enough at least so when the mastermind tries anything against me I can force them to confess and we can all be on our way. Or I could just stall the game long enough for me to find a way out.


"Your alone Ouma, and you always will be" I sigh. I wonder if Shuichi was telling the truth.....


Well time to check up on the idiot- I walked into where I was keeping Momota to see a crossbow with him. WHAT THE HECK?! WHERE DID HE EVEN GET THAT?!

I felt myself building a little sweat "Ouma..." Momota groaned "let me OUT" I shook my head trying to keep up the act when- Momota shot me in the arm with one of the arrows!

Agh! The idiot then tackled me as I tried to get him off of me and away from my controller, it was as if we were in wrestling match when-

Why did the shutter door open...?All of a sudden an exisal walked in, what the heck?! I grabbed my controller and tried to control it when I saw- Harukawa? Stepping out from the exisal and- AGH! She shot me in the back with another arrow.

She then sprung down "what do you have planned Ouma, or should I say remnant of despair?" WAIT WHAT?

"W-what are you....talking about? Remnant... of despair? W-What's that? I don't..... understand....anything...your talking about..why... are you starting the killing game... when it should have ended? You already know that it's all meaningles....that I'm the you just love killing that much?"

Harukawa looked pissed and she had a red tint in her eye "shut up you a**hole!" And I noticed her finger ready to pull the trigger as I prepared myself.

I then felt a gust of air as Momota stood in front of me and took the shot. What the he**?! Is he an even greater idiot than I thought?!

Harukawa looked shocked as she ran out of the shutter and I took my my opportunity and closed the shutter door. Ugh...why is the arrow so bad...oh shoot it's probably poisoned isn't it?

What the heck, what the heck, what the heck?! Everything is going WRONG! I tried to calm down a bit, well...I guess I can try that alternate plan..


found myself staring a bit at Momota in disbelief. This idiot tried to save me...even though it's kind of pointless since the arrows seemed to be tipped with poison.

Not even a few minutes later Harukawa called "Kaito? Can you hear me? Quick drink this antidote!" I heard a small noise of something being dropped as Momota raced for it and grabbed it.

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